Conference venue
The conference will occupy the whole of the Schloss and its function rooms. These are described in more detail below.
Conference room
The "Literatursaal" will be used as the main conference room. The paper presentations will be given here.

Seminar Room
The "Gro�er Saal" will be used as a large seminar room. It will be acoustically treated by IRT, and include facilities for surround sound replay in various formats together with video footage. There will be talks and discussions on practical aspects of multichannel recording techniques, accompanied by 5.1 surround sound examples with and without pictures.

Poster session
The "Wintergarten" and the "Salettl" will contain the posters that are accepted by the conference. Posters may also complement a Seminar Demonstration or presentations in the 5.1 surround sound demonstration room.

5.1 Surround Sound Demo Room
The "Dependance M�llerhaus" is located about 500 m away from the Schloss. It provides the right room to accommodate the high quality surround sound demonstration area. The sound presentation program will offer a number of 5.1 recording examples with and without pictures, accompanied by explanatory written material.

Special Demonstration Rooms
A number of small rooms and suites will also be set aside for demonstrations supplementing papers or posters on topics such as binaural technology applied to reproduction of multichannel sound, alternatives to 5.1 multichannel sound, and perception of spatial sound.