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New this week on the AES Job Board

New this week on the AES Job Board

Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2020

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AES Audio Product Education Institute Supply Chain Webinar December 15

The AES Audio Product Education Institute will host its third online event addressing Supply Chain & Sourcing on Tuesday, December 15, at 12:00pm ET.

The AES Audio Product Education Institute will host its third online event addressing Supply Chain & Sourcing on Tuesday, December 15, at 12:00pm ET.

— AES initiative hosts online sessions with leading audio industry manufacturing suppliers — 

The Audio Product Education Institute (APEI), an initiative launched in January 2020 by the Audio Engineering Society (AES) to focus on promoting methodologies, practices and technologies involved in developing and bringing audio products to market, will host its third online event addressing Supply Chain & Sourcing on Tuesday, December 15 (12:00pm ET). The webinar will welcome industry experts from two major audio industry suppliers – Fujikon Industrial and Tonly Electronics – detailing their organizations’ operations and offering valuable perspectives. In conversation with Dave Lindberg (DB Enterprises) and Mike Klasco (Menlo Scientific), the two companies will address key timely issues faced by the audio industry.

This third Supply Chain & Sourcing webinar will be the first in a series featuring key factory principals with deep experience in supplying top brands. In the session taking place December 15, registered attendees will be able to hear from Fujikon Industrial’s CEO Ben Yeung and Tonly Electronics’ Business Development Consultant Mark Trainer about the business, engineering, technology and operational challenges their companies face in bringing products to market in 2021. 

The session will be hosted by Lindberg and Klasco, APEI’s chairs on Supply Chain & Sourcing, both with extensive experience and knowledge in supporting brands’ efforts to turn ideas into products and in manufacturing those products. Their conversation with Yeung and Trainer will address topics of enormous importance for the industry at this moment, including how these companies deal with tariff policies and the impact of those policies on deliveries, the changing landscape of the supply chain for companies expanding operations to new territories like Vietnam, and the pandemic fallout.

Fujikon Industrial (www.fujikon.com) is a manufacturing company with vast expertise in headphone and personal audio technology, which they leverage to the benefit of both their business and brand customers. Yeung will share insights on headphone market segments and detail product trends such as true wireless technologies, ANC platforms and future headphone applications. He will also address the current challenges of manufacturing during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the real impacts of global trade issues on Fujikon’s business.

Tonly Electronics Holdings Ltd (www.tonlyele.com) is one of Asia's largest manufacturing suppliers and is an ODM solutions provider of audio and video products with cutting-edge resources. Trainer will provide a Tonly company overview, illuminating its areas of expertise in engineering and how the company manages its vertical integration (which includes an interesting sub-vendor management strategy). From his perspective as an expert with vast knowledge of the audio industry supply chain, Trainer will provide a detailed Tonly “virtual factory tour” and a comprehensive overview on the company’s global presence, as well as its unique production capabilities and support tools.

Each guest will also answer questions from the hosts regarding key topics currently faced by the audio industry, such as restrictions on travel, logistical challenges and the dynamics of global economics. The online event will conclude with an opportunity for attendees to ask questions during a live session with all four industry experts.

Webinar registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-0fOT_lLTaG96COhEjYz0Q

Posted: Tuesday, February 11, 2020

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AES Academy Boasts Sold-Out Registration and Membership Response, Looks Ahead to 2020 Events

Attendees take part in hands-on Live Console Training sessions during AES Academy 2020, led by Mike Bangs, Live Sound/Touring Manager, Allen & Heath USA.

Attendees take part in hands-on Live Console Training sessions during AES Academy 2020, led by Mike Bangs, Live Sound/Touring Manager, Allen & Heath USA.

— The intensive four-day series of AES Academy educational and training events proves popular with audio engineers, musicians, students and attendees aiming to hone their skills in a variety of audio applications —

The Audio Engineering Society has recently wrapped up its first Academy event of the year – the AES Academy at the 2020 NAMM Show, which hosted a sold-out crowd of attendees for four days of programming designed especially for AES members and those looking to both advance their careers and experience what the Audio Engineering Society has to offer. Taking place January 16 – 19 in Anaheim, CA, AES Academy sessions offered insight into live sound, recording and audio education, as well as networking events and more, as the AES kicked off its 2020 events and looks forward to the AES Worship Sound Academy in Nashville, TN, March 10 – 11, and the AES Vienna 148th International AES Convention, taking place May 25 – 28.


Offering an in-depth educational look at the latest production tools and techniques, AES Academy hosted over 100 sessions featuring expert-led instruction and discussions on Line Arrays, Entertainment Wireless Technology, In-Ear Monitoring, Recording Studio Technology and Applications, Microphones: Studio and Live, Electronic Dance Music, Sound System Measurement and Optimization, Sound for House of Worship, Audio Education, Audio Careers, Audio Science & Technology, and a popular series of hands-on Live Console training events. Additional activities included a Diversity and Inclusion Mixer, an Audio Educators Reception, and an AES Member Appreciation event, which brought together dozens of AES members and invited guests to meet and network with peers. The AES also hosted an exhibition floor booth during the four days of the NAMM Show, offering information about AES activities and benefits, and an opportunity to register or renew memberships onsite. 


The AES invites all industry professionals, students and enthusiasts to join us at Audio Engineering Society local, regional and international events throughout the year. Visit aes.org/events for the latest information and updates.

Posted: Monday, February 10, 2020

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Join Us for the start of Audio Engineering Month on Tuesday, October 6 for our AES Show Podcast and Zoom Audio Webinar

Join Us for the start of Audio Engineering Month on Tuesday, October 6 for our AES Show Podcast and Zoom Audio Webinar

Join Us for the start of Audio Engineering Month on Tuesday, October 6 for our AES Show Podcast and Zoom Audio Webinar

Free for all Showcase and All Access registrants, the AES Zoom & Podcast Audio Webinar, 11AM – 2PM EDT, October 6, will cover the basic set-up and advice of both Zoom and Podcasts as well as examining best practices and the latest software and hardware tools and solutions, presented to you by leading experts. A live Q&A will take place at the end of each 20 session with live questions via Zoom’s Question function. This is a must attend event for online content creators – especially those who care about their audio quality! Registration required for access.

Webinar specific registration required. Click here to register.

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Posted: Wednesday, February 5, 2020

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AES Partners with Multiview for Website Retargeting Advertising

AES Partners with Multiview for Website Retargeting Advertising

The Audio Engineering Society has partnered with North America’s largest B2B publisher, MultiView, to offer exclusive website retargeting advertising opportunities on www.aes.org.

For the most authoritative information on audio technology and cutting-edge research, audio engineering professionals from around the world visit AES’s website, www.aes.org, for the latest news related to the industry. 

MultiView’s programmatic technology allows a limited number of advertisers to show their messages to visitors on their favorite sites after they leave aes.org. The service gives advertisers extended reach and lets buyers connect with suppliers. Using insights gathered from thousands of campaigns, MultiView’s team will also help advertisers develop branded messaging to serve our members, no matter where the Web takes them.

Multiview’s services allow advertisers to reach niche audiences beyond aes.org. Retargeting industry professionals after they’ve clicked away from aes.org keeps an advertiser’s brand top-of-mind and connects with audio pros across their buying journey. It’s serves as a complement to an AES Sustaining Membership, enabling advertisers to reach industry audiences more often as they navigate the rest of the Web.

The program improves the effectiveness of an ad spend. Finding and reaching industry-specific groups of buyers online can be difficult to do at scale in an affordable way. Broad targeting techniques can lead to ad waste, but retargeting aes.org visitors solves that problem by reaching decision-makers on their favorite sites across the Web.
MultiView’s experienced ad services team handles all of the technology, creative design, and reporting to make sure advertiser’s brands stand out across the Web and keeps campaigns running smoothly. This includes refreshing ads so that content stays relevant to potential buyers no matter how many times they’ve seen an advertiser’s messaging.

For more information on the program, contact MultiView’s David Reeder and view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zvjEdU0aZQ&feature=emb_title

Posted: Wednesday, February 5, 2020

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AES Helps "Socially Distancing" Members Worldwide Listen, Learn, and Connect with Discounted Membership Rate Through April 30

AES Helps "Socially Distancing" Members Worldwide Listen, Learn, and Connect with Discounted Membership Rate Through April 30


To help audio professionals stay connected as the world enters a period of isolation, the Audio Engineering Society is offering 3-month membership for $25, or a 3-month bonus at the standard yearly rate, through April 30


With a global pandemic forcing much of the world into isolation from their normal daily routines and interactions, the Audio Engineering Society recognizes that this is a particularly difficult time for many people in our industry; cancellations and uncertainties are disrupting events and projects around which industry professionals have purposed their lives, livelihoods and professional development. The AES is proud to provide our worldwide membership with a host of educational, insightful and engaging resources that let audio professionals, students and educators “Listen, Learn and Connect” with industry luminaries, mentors and their peers.

For non-members, the Audio Engineering Society is making a three-month membership available for just $25 for those joining between now and the end of April. New members, current and past members can opt to receive 15 months of AES membership for the price of 12 at the annual rate of $125. Both offers expire April 30. Regardless of their renewal date, current members can extend their membership by an additional 15 months with this offer.

Now, more than ever, AES members are encouraged to utilize their free virtual access to AES’s exclusive resources, including thousands of searchable articles in the AES E-Library, the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, AES Live: Videos, Section News and Reports, Social Media, and much more. AES Members are further encouraged to take the time to create or update their member profile and make it searchable to further enable the audio community to come together and share knowledge and resources.

The AES encourages audio professionals to stay safe but connected – to use this time of limited physical interaction to learn, grow, and have some fun. The AES member portal is the gateway to member resources. AES Headquarters staff are standing by ready to help you should you need them at [email protected] or call +1 212-661-8528.

Sign up or renew today here.

Posted: Monday, February 3, 2020

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Give the Gift of AES Membership and Encourage a Lifetime of Learning

Give the gift of AES membership

Give the gift of AES membership

— Audio Engineering Society membership offers the best way to connect with professional audio science and technology – a gift that can now be easily shared —

The Audio Engineering Society has announced a new way to give the gift of membership, new or renewal, to the world’s only organization dedicated to pro audio technology, offering the chance to listen, learn, and connect with thousands of members from around the world, and to access exclusive member resources and benefits. Whether getting a start as an audio student or to take an already-successful career to a new level of knowledge and expertise, AES Membership serves to enhance an individual’s status in audio engineering and open opportunities to create an indelible mark on the industry through involvement in scientific research, events, standards and more. 


“AES Membership provides a lifetime of professional and personal benefits,” says AES President Agnieszka Roginska. “There’s no better way for audio professionals, and tomorrow’s audio pros, to advance their careers and skills. A gift AES membership is an investment in the future of an audio student or professional engineer in your life that will undoubtedly be appreciated.”


An AES Membership is now easy to give, with a student rate of just $50 and $125 for professional membership, and includes access to the online Journal of the AES, the AES E-Library with over 17,000 searchable documents, the AES Live video collection, valuable industry discounts on gear and AES events, and much more. One-, two- and five-year options are available, with savings for multi-year gifts. Associate Member status is instantaneous upon payment processing and new Associate Members can apply for peer-reviewed Member status at no additional cost.



For more information and to give the gift of AES membership, visit aes.org/membership/gift.cfm.

More Information

Posted: Monday, February 3, 2020

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Program Details Now Online for March AES Worship Sound Academy in Nashville

AES Worship Sound Academy Program Details and Registration Now Online for March Event in Nashville

AES Worship Sound Academy Program Details and Registration Now Online for March Event in Nashville

— New AES event to cover the basics and beyond for all manner of house-of-worship facilities and operators —

The AES has announced program details for the upcoming AES Worship Sound Academy, taking place March 10 – 11, 2020, at the Johnson Center on the campus of Belmont University in Nashville, TN. This first-of-its-kind Audio Engineering Society event will examine the specific elements of audio for houses of worship and related productions, offering insights on everything from fundamentals of sound, to mixing for services and events, outreach through streaming media, and featured gear exhibits showcasing the latest technologies. Program details and schedule are now available online at aesworship.org, and early registration pricing is available for as low as $150.


Exemplifying one of the unique challenges often associated with worship sound, day one of the AES Worship Sound Academy will begin with a session defining roles and goals of a worship sound engineer and team, discussing attitude and focus, identifying core knowledge and the boundaries of responsibility. Presentations continue, including “How Sound Moves – Physics Without Math” (covering concepts such as sound transmission, acoustics and system optimization), followed by separate sessions on FOH and monitor mixing for houses of worship. The afternoon continues with the session “Reaching Outward – Streaming and Podcasts,” and attendees are invited to the Producing Worship special event taking place that evening, which will utilize a live performance by touring artists with a veteran production team as the platform for addressing the concepts of worship sound production.


On day two, the AES Worship Sound Academy will begin with a pair of sessions outlining microphone basics, wireless, and in-ear monitoring, detailing readily-applicable information on available technologies and techniques to achieve clear and consistent sound. Afternoon sessions continue with the often-unexplored topic of “Productive Rehearsals and Sound Checks,” followed by a session on AoIP audio networking and management fundamentals, and the newly available possibilities afforded by these technologies for any size production and facility. “Anatomy of a Tech Team” follows, providing an overview of workflow and illustrating the planning and prep required by tech team leaders, as well as maintenance, training and assignment of responsibilities, job descriptions and other details. The day will conclude with an “Unanswered Questions Town Hall,” providing a chance for attendees to ask questions about AES Worship Sound Academy topics and raise specific issues they may be facing in their own productions.


Both days will also feature several dedicated times for onsite lunch (included with registration) and to browse and network in the exhibition area, as well as opportunities to find out more about AES membership benefits and resources and to join the AES or renew a membership.



Early Bird online registration for the AES Worship Sound Academy is open at a special rate of $150 (includes lunch both days) at aesworship.org 

More Information

Posted: Thursday, January 30, 2020

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Audio Engineering Society Honored with Technology & Engineering Emmy Award

Audio Engineering Society Honored with Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award

Audio Engineering Society Honored with Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award

 — The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) has honored AES for “Development of Synchronized multi-channel uncompressed audio transport over IP Networks” in the 71st annual Technology & Engineering Emmy® Awards —

The Audio Engineering Society (AES) has been named a recipient of a Technical & Engineering Emmy® Award for “Development of Synchronized multi-channel uncompressed audio transport over IP Networks.” The 71st annual Technical & Engineering Emmy Awards will be presented in a special ceremony at the upcoming NAB Show at the Wynn Encore Hotel and Spa on Sunday, April 19th, 2020, in Las Vegas, NV.


The distinction for “Development of Synchronized multi-channel uncompressed audio transport over IP Networks” cites the AES alongside ALC NetworX, Audinate, Kevin Gross, QSC, Telos Alliance and Wheatstone. AES’s AES67 standard for high-performance streaming audio-over-IP interoperability was introduced in 2013. AES67 compliance allows audio content interoperability between the proprietary IP-based audio networking protocols developed by the Emmy co-winners: RAVENNA, Dante, Q-Sys, Livewire+ and WheatNet-IP. Co-Emmy-winner and AES Fellow Kevin Gross led the AES67 Standards effort and is the chair of the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems. “The improvement from audio networking born in the mid-1990s to new IP-based solutions emerged as a simultaneous invention from the honored companies,” says Gross. “While collectively this represented a technical improvement, interoperability was not addressed until the AES initiated the X192 project on audio interoperability. Thank you, Steve Church, Rich Zwiebel, Philip Lawo and Andreas Hildebrand – leaders at the honored companies who understood the potential for a standard to take audio networking to the next level – and thanks to then AES Standards Manager Mark Yonge, who mentored the standard process.”


The Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards are awarded to a living individual, a company, or a scientific or technical organization for developments and/or standardization involved in engineering technologies that either represent so extensive an improvement on existing methods or are so innovative in nature that they materially have affected television. A Committee of highly qualified engineers working in television considers technical developments in the industry and determines which, if any, merit an award.


Colleen Harper, AES Executive Director, remarks, “AES67 is an essential protocol that established a standardized language for audio transport, employed every day in the broadcast world and beyond. Its introduction in 2013 fundamentally changed the broadcast audio landscape and paved the way for recent similar developments for video, and we are honored to be awarded with a Technical & Engineering Emmy alongside our industry peers.” 



For more information, please visit www.aes.org

Posted: Saturday, January 18, 2020

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AES Worship Sound Academy Just Days Away in Nashville

Shown (L — R) are AES Worship Sound Academy Presenters Ben Williams, Tony Staires, Jason Spence, , Luke Lasater, Jenny Youngman, Jeana Campbell, Barry Sanders, Tevin Turner, Jason Waufle and Chris Clayton.

Shown (L — R) are AES Worship Sound Academy Presenters Ben Williams, Tony Staires, Jason Spence, , Luke Lasater, Jenny Youngman, Jeana Campbell, Barry Sanders, Tevin Turner, Jason Waufle and Chris Clayton.

— Presenter and program details reveal an enlightening and educational program. Pre-registration is open online through March 7 for this first-ever AES event aimed at house of worship tech teams and volunteer staff —

The Audio Engineering Society is setting its sights on next week’s AES Worship Sound Academy, with additional presenters and program details just announced. Online registration is available through Saturday, March 7 and registration will also be available on site. The AES Worship Sound Academy will take place at the Johnson Center on the campus of Belmont University in Nashville, TN, March 10 – 11, and is presented by the Audio Engineering Society in collaboration with Belmont University and the AES Nashville Section. 


Recently announced presenters include a variety of audio engineers and industry experts who will share relevant and relatable insights and advice on house of worship audio for any congregation or event size. Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions pertaining to their house of worship workflow and production.   


Ben Williams, owner/operator of the Nashville-based AVL integration firm and house of worship specialist firm, Essential Audio, Inc, will participate in the opening session, “Wearing Each Other's Shoes: The Role of Technical Ministry,” followed by his presentation “How Sound Moves – Physics Without Math.” Next up, Tony Staires, veteran church production director and House of Worship Sales Manager/Engineer for Lawo North America leads the session “FOH Mixing for Worship,” followed by Jason Spence, Director of Sales & Systems Integration for Solotech. An acclaimed touring and broadcast monitor mixer, Spence will offer his take on “Monitor Mixing – Who Needs to Hear What?” Solotech’s Integrated Systems Designer, Luke Lasater, will follow with a presentation on “Reaching Outward – Streaming and Podcasts,” and the day will conclude with a “Producing Worship” special event –
“Beyond the Tech - Bringing in the Heart of Worship,” presented by Jenny Youngman and Jeana Campbell, Worship Pastor and Worship Leader, respectively, of the rapidly-growing Providence United Methodist Church in nearby Mount Juliet, TN, along with Barry Sanders of Spectrum Sound – a Providence worship team musician ­– and Tevin Turner, Audio Technician at Providence.


Day two begins with a focus on microphones. MTSU Recording Industry Professor Emeritus Christian Haseleu will cover microphone basics, then Jason Waufle, Senior Specialist in Market Development for the Pro Audio division of Shure, will host the session “Panic-Free Wireless – Mics and Monitoring”. Worship producer/songwriter and worship pastor Chris Clayton will then join Spence to discuss the finer points of “Productive Rehearsals and Sound Checks” for your worship team, along with planning, maintenance and communication considerations. Lasater will return to discuss AoIP networking followed by a session on video for the audio engineer. Both days will offer a variety of chances to have questions answered and to learn what technologies and workflow work best to serve a tech team, including an event finale townhall session.


Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to hear about and experience the latest technologies from our partner sponsors including Alclair Audio, Allen & Heath, Bosch-Electrovoice-Dynacord, d&b audiotechnik, DiGiCo, DPA, JH Audio, Lawo, QSC, Riedel, Shure, Simply Sound Acoustics, Solotech, and Waves. Golden Preciado of QSC will host the TouchMix training event: “Volunteer Sound Person? No Problem! - A Mixing Solution for Intimately Sized and Portable Churches” multiple times throughout both days of the Worship Sound Academy.


Further Program details and online registration available at aesworship.org.

More Information

Posted: Monday, January 6, 2020

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