
AES Press Release: AES San Francisco 2010

129th AES Convention To Consider Innovations In 21st Century Teaching/Learning Experience

For Release: September 29, 2010

Alex Case

SAN FRANCISCO:  Preparing next-generation pro-audio practitioners for successful careers has never been more challenging.  The introduction of new methods for creating, producing, formatting, distributing and using audio, have challenged established professionals to dramatically retool their business models and work environments.  A nation-wide building program has seen schools commit substantial investments in facilities capable of preparing students to thrive in this digital/downloading/wirelessly-streaming environment.

AES Convention Committee Co-Chairs Valerie Tyler and Jim McTigue report that, in an effort to explore the many factors inherent in developing 21st Century teaching/learning facilities; 129th AES Convention Education Committee Chair Alex Case will chair the AES Convention Education Forum Panel on Teaching/Learning Environments.

Scheduled for Thursday, November 4, 2:30 - 4:00 pm, at SF’s Moscone Center, Creating The Out-Of-Classroom Experience will address the complex factors schools must address when considering expansion or modernization of their audio education program.  “Issues will range from development of specialized courses, to designing research lab and control room environments capable of providing students with full visual access, intense hands-on experience and deep interaction with other disciplines,” Case says.

To establish the most comprehensive assessment of program design concerns, Case has developed three primary tracks and assembled panels of real-world experts to lead them; educators from both large and mid-sized institutions, and an architect/acoustician with broad educational facility design credentials. “Educators and students are invited to join the discussion as our panelists present their benchmark work in creating a compelling out-of-classroom experience,” Case adds.  The three primary topics are:

PRODUCTION IN ACTION: Paula Froehle, Academic Dean; John Murray, Recording Arts Director - Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, Chicago
STUDIOS & LABS FOR FUTURE MUSIC TECHNOLOGISTS: Agnieszka Roginska, Music Technology, New York University; John Storyk, Architect/Acoustician/Co-Principal, WSDG New York
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN THE STUDIO: BUILDING A CURRICULUM THAT IS MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS;  Nathan Breitling, DMA, Director, Audio Production; Ryan Kleeman, MFA, Faculty Audio Production - The Art Institute of California-San Francisco.

In addition to the Education Forum Panel, the Education Program will offer the full range of events, which remain a hallmark of every AES Convention. These include:


Part 1 Thursday 5:00 – 6:30
Part 2  Sunday   2:30 – 4:00


Surround:  Friday, 4:00 – 7:00PM
Stereo:        Sunday, 9:00AM – 1:00PM

CAREER FAIR:                                Saturday 10:00 – 11:30AM

EDUCATION FAIR:                         Saturday 12:30 – 2:00PM

Our goal for every Convention is to provide attendees with information and personal networking options they can not find anywhere else,” remarked AES Executive Director Roger Furness.  “We feel this year’s Education Events will present a particularly valuable platform for the discussion of an important trend in the evolution of a cornerstone of the teaching/learning process.”

A Preliminary Calendar of events including comprehensive abstracts of the above listed events is posted at:

Photo: 129th AES Convention Education Committee Chair Alex Case


The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers.  The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East.  The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination  of  technical information for the industry.  For additional information visit

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