
AES Press Release

AES NY Section Celebrates 75th Anniversary of 1st FM Radio Demo

For Release: January 6, 2010

Tuesday January 12th, 2010 Hearst Corp. Tower 6:30 – 8:00PM

NEW YORK: On Tuesday evening, January 12,  the AES New York Section will host a special event commemorating the 75th Anniversary of FM Broadcasting.  Moderated by David Bialik- DKB Associates, and featuring a panel of broadcast community leaders including Steve Hemphill - Solid Electronics Laboratories, Herb Squire - DSI RF Systems Inc. and Scott Fybush - Northeast Radio Watch, the event will celebrate Major Edward Armstrong's pioneering first public demonstration of FM broadcasting. 

The event will be held at the Hearst Corporation Tower, Joseph Urban Theater, Eighth Avenue between 56th & 57th Streets, NYC.   The ‘meet and greet’ begins at 6:30PM, the Presentation will commence at 7:00PM. Students and all professional audio and broadcast enthusiasts are invited.    

One of radio's legendary figures, Major Edwin Howard Armstrong was the inventor of super heterodyne and FM Radio.  A brilliant and quixotic figure, Armstrong fought valiantly for years to defend the patents on his creations.  These struggles lasted until his death in 1954.  His accomplishments were eventually recognized thanks to the ongoing work of his wife and a group of ardent supporters.

The AES NY Section event saluting Armstrong's legacy will feature insights from industry members who worked tirelessly to keep his achievements in the public eye. Mr. Hemphill will discuss the Major's impact on broadcasting and the innovative nature of his work.  Mr. Squire will examine and demonstrate the technical factors which enabled Armstrong's Yankee Network to deliver higher audio quality than other networks of the day. Mr. Fybush will describe improvements in FM broadcasting since Armstrong’s time.

The event is part of an on-going series of AES New York Section initiatives.  For further information please visit 


The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers.  The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East.  The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination  of  technical information for the industry.  For additional information visit

AES - Audio Engineering Society