Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Workshop W17

Tuesday, June 7, 10:15 — 11:15 (Room 352A)

W17 - Human Perception and Listening by Machines

Cleopatra Pike, University of St Andrews - Scotland, Fife, UK; University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK
Amy Beeston, University of Sheffield - Sheffield, UK

Automatic audio recognition is used in a wide range of technology applications (e.g., smartphone voice activated commands, speech to text applications, automatic alarm systems). This workshop will give an overview of automatic speech recognition and recognition of other audio by machines, as well a conceptual introduction to machine listening principles for the lay person. It will focus on examining how research into human perception can inform the development of machine listeners (e.g., how human methods for listening in reverberant environments and of reducing channel coloration can be incorporated into machines). We will aim to answer the question: what things can machines do better than, and worse than, a human? Suggestions for future perceptual work to incorporate knowledge of human perception into machine listening will be made.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Perception and Subjective Evaluation of Audio Signals

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