AES New York 2013
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event N4

Friday, October 18, 3:30 pm — 5:00 pm (Room 1E13)

Networked Audio: N4 - Command and Control Protocols, Target Application Use Cases

Tim Shuttleworth, Renkus Heinz - Oceanside, CA, USA
Jeff Berryman, Bosch Communications - Ithaca, NY, USA
Andrew Eales, Wellington Institute of Technology - Wellington, New Zealand; Rhodes University - Grahamstown, South Africa
Richard Foss, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Jeff Koftinoff, Meyer Sound Canada - Vernon, BC, Canada

With the increasing utilization of data networks for the command and control of audio devices a number of protocols have been defined and promoted. These competing protocol initiatives, while providing methods suited to their target applications, have created confusion among potential adopters as to which protocol best fits their needs. In addition, the question is being asked, Why do we need so many “standard” protocols? At least four different industry organizations have involved themselves in some form of standardized protocol effort. AES is currently pursuing standardization of two such protocols, AES64 and X-210 (aka OCA). IEC has IEC62379, while IEEE is defining AVDECC (IEE1722.1) and ESTA offers ACN and there’s OSC from This workshop addresses what differentiates these protocols by examining their target use applications.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems

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AES - Audio Engineering Society