Tuesday, May 15th
9:00 hr Room L
W-14 Metadata: What is it and how can I use it?
Chair: Neil Gilchrist, BBC
Research & Development, UK
Herla (IRT, Germany)
Chambers (BBC Research & Development, UK)
Cox (Mirador Techniques, UK)
Jonsson (Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, Sweden)
David Ackerman
(Harvard University, USA)
Metadata is the "data about data", or the vital
supporting information which is associated with any kind of audio or video
program material. It can be as brief as a few scribbled notes of the title,
date of recording, etc. in the box accompanying a master recording, or it can
be used in IT systems to link databases with stored program for searching and
retrieval of audiovisual material. The workshop will include presentations on
different aspects and applications of metadata, with particular reference to
broadcasting, archives and the standardization which is vital for the exchange
of this type of information.