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130th Recording Competition Judge: Ulrike Schwarz

130th Recording Competition Judge: Ulrike Schwarz

Ulrike Schwarz will be judging entries in the category "Traditional Acoustic Recording". Come listen to this expert offer valuable feedback at the Recording Competition finals in London!

"Ulrike Schwarz is Diplom-Tonmeisterin and recording engineer specialising in classical music and jazz.  She graduated from the University of Arts in Berlin. Furthermore, Ulrike studied multichannel recording formats from 5.10 to 22.2 with Akira Fukada and Kimio Hamaskaki in NHK and NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories in Tokyo.
In 2000, she has received the WDR Ars Acoustica award for Andreas Bick „Dripping“ as recording engineer and in 2006 she was awarded with the "Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik" for Michael Korstick's Best Solo Performance of the year.

She has been a freelance recording engineer and assistant engineer in Avatar Studios and at Anderson Audio (New York, USA) for years. In 2002, Ulrike supervised all concert recordings for the Norfolk Chamber Music Festivals at the Yale University. She has been responsible for supervision of the 1st national TV program and two regional TV programs in the Broadcast Dept. TV in Bavarian Radio (Munich, Germany).
Currently, Ulrike Schwarz is employed in the Produktion Dept. in Radio Bayerischer Rundfunk (Munich, Germany). She also provides workshops for BR recording and editing technicians in music recording. Ulrike is member of the BR Workgroup for Audio Quality in the chapter for sounddesign.
As an AES Member, Ulrike Schwarz is a frequent lecturer at AES events. Her last appearance was in 2010 during the AES Conference on Spatial Sound (Tokyo, Japan) with a presentation of „Paradies und die Peri“ performed by BRSO and Simon Rattle in 9.0, 3-D sound. She has been an AES Governor 2004-2006."

Posted: Saturday, April 23, 2011

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