

AES Standards News Blog

Digital Production Buzz program on standards

 The August 31, 2017 edition of Digital Production Buzz program was on standards for the media industry.  One of the interviews profiled the Audio Engineering Society Standards organization. 

As they explain on their web site:

Tonight, we meet some of the key standards organizations in the media industry. These are the folks that create the specs that allow all our gear and software to work together. They also determine the direction of our industry by setting the ground rules for future technology. Join us for a fascinating look “behind the scenes!

Join host Larry Jordan as he talks with Howard Lukk, Rich Cabot, Bill Hayes, Mark Harrison, and James DeRuvo.

·                        SMPTE: Driving the Media Industry Forward

·                        AES: All Things Audio

·                        DPP: Enabling Full Digital Media Distribution

·                        IEEE: Advancing Technology Globally

·                        The Weekly DoddleNEWS Update

Listen to the program here

Posted: Monday, September 4, 2017

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