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AES Call for Comment on Media Network Directory Requirements

This is a Call for Comments on Technical Requirements for Media Network Directories and Directory Related Services. From this document, and the comments received on it, the AES Task Group on AES-X238, Media network directory architecture will develop a set of requirements for media network directory standards that will work with present and future media networks over a wide range of application domains. Interested parties are encouraged to submit general and specific comments, proposed additions or changes, and responses to the specific questions it poses.

Media network directories are application-layer mechanisms that collect, store and disseminate information about devices, application services, and other elements of media networks. They are used for connection management, network supervision, and other purposes.
The standard that will result from this document will be aimed at directory standards that specify:
• Registration, query, and administration protocols;
• Security mechanisms;
• Directory data model;
• Query language and related semantics; and
• Scalability strategies by defining both peer-to-peer and server-supported modes.
Although directories are used by connection management mechanisms, such mechanisms are not addressed in this document. In this context, "connection management" means the protocols and processes in a media network by which signal flows are set up, monitored, and taken down.
Responses should be submitted by September 30, 2017 to insure that they may be considered by the SC-02-12-N task group in advance of and during their meeting at the Audio Engineering Society fall convention in New York.
Interested individuals are encouraged to join the SC-02-12-N task group and, if possible, to attend the meeting at the Audio Engineering Society fall convention in New York. Attendance at the meeting is not required in order to join the task group.

Download a copy of the document here

Posted: Friday, July 28, 2017

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