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AES49-2005 Magnetic tape - Care and handling practices for extended usage, is reaffirmed

AES49-2005 (r2010) AES standard for audio preservation and restoration -  Magnetic tape - Care and handling practices for extended usage, is reaffirmed.

This standard concerns the care and handling of magnetic recording tape during use. It addresses the issues of physical integrity of the medium necessary to preserve access to the audio or other data (information) recorded on the tape. This standard recommends handling procedures to maximize the effective life of magnetic tape. Faulty handling, packing and transporting techniques and methods often cause damage to magnetic tape and the content recorded thereon. Extending the longevity of magnetic tape requires the identification of appropriate handling methods and well-developed training programs.

While some of the recommendations in this standard, such as staff training, apply specifically to large-scale or archival usage, the basics of all recommendations in this document can and should be applied in all circumstances where the desired result is long-term usage of the medium whether archival, commercial or personal. This standard is not aimed at casual home users of tapes.

Posted: Friday, October 29, 2010

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