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AES-14id-2010, Universal quarter-inch jack, information document has been published

AES-14id-2010, AES information document for interconnections - Universal jack for IEC 60603-11 and B-gauge 6,35 mm plugs, has been published

There are a number of jack connectors in use that appear to have the same quarter-inch diameter, but which are not reliably compatible in use. It has long been felt that it should be possible to identify a 'universal' jack connector to accept plugs from a range of types in common use.

Users of test equipment and portable audio equipment such as mixers and direct-injection (DI) boxes, may have to handle 'consumer' type equipment that uses the IEC 60603-11 3-contact (tip-ring-sleeve, or TRS) 6,3 mm plug connector and also professional equipment that uses the B-gauge connector. Traditionally, this has required the use of numerous ad-hoc adapters and connecting leads with different plugs at each end. Neither solution is very convenient and may be unreliable. Jack connectors that can accommodate both types of plug have existed for some time, but are not well known. Some TRS jacks will accommodate both types of plug but are not specified by the manufacturer for such use. Clause 5 recommends jack dimensions that are specified to have the required "universal" capability. This does not imply that there may not be others.

This AES Information document discusses mechanical compatibility issues between 6,35 mm (quarter-inch) jack connectors with various profiles, including those defined given in IEC60603-11 and 'B-gauge' plugs. It recommends key jack dimensions for optimum compatibility with a range of "quarter-inch", or 6.35 mm, TRS plug types.

Posted: Friday, October 29, 2010

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