
Middle Tennessee State University AES Student Section Blog


Past Event: DPA Microphone Workshop

DPA Workshop Flyer

DPA Workshop Flyer

February 24, 2018 at 1:00 pm

Location: Middle Tennessee State University, College of Education Building, Room 160. Murfreesboro, TN

Moderated by: Frank Wells, Event MC/Host. Michael Fleming and Frank Baird, Local Organizers.

Speaker(s): Gabriel Antonini and Steen Tychsen, DPA. Craig Anderton, author/audio specialist. Jason Spence, J Sound Services.

 "Get closer to the DPA Experience" with this educational workshop on microphone technology and application techniques.  

This workshop runs from 1-5 p.m. with segments on recording methods and a live demonstration; discussion of high quality audio production; and career advice and a technology Q&A with a panel of experts.  

The program is presented by Danish Pro Audio (DPA) with the local support of the MTSU Audio Engineering Society, the MTSU/Recording Industry Live Sound Club and J Sound Services.  

Regional students of all ages and local professionals are invited!  

Please RSVP at:


Posted: Monday, February 12, 2018

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Past Event: End-of-Semester Mix Critique Session

End-of-Semester Mix Critique Session

November 30, 2017 at 4:30 pm

Location: Bragg 174 (Lab A), College of Media and Entertainment, Middle Tennessee State University

Moderated by: Kyle Holland and Catherine Baron

Speaker(s): Faculty Panel: Matt Foglia and John Hill

Want feedback for the mix you’ve been working on?

Come to our next AES meeting where you can have your mix reviewed by a panel of MTSU professors. 
Don’t have a mix of your own?
Just want to come listen? 
Thanks ok too - everyone is welcome! 
NOTE: Bring headphones for the option to listen via the audio distribution system in Lab A.  
Feedback is based on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t wait around! Students who don’t submit their mix on the server beforehand may still get the chance to receive feedback, but priority is given to those who upload their work in advance to the AES Mix Critique folder on the RIM Class Hand-in server.  

Posted: Wednesday, November 29, 2017

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Past Event: MTSU Studio A Orientation: Mics, Stands, Cables and Signal Flow

MTSU Studio A Orientation: Mics, Stands, Cables and Signal Flow

October 5, 2017 at 4:30 pm

Location: RI Studio A, College of Media and Entertainment, Middle Tennessee State University

Moderated by: Kyle Holland and Catherine Baron

Speaker(s): Michael Fleming and Bill Crabtree, faculty co-advisors

As the semester gets underway, we want to welcome all interested students, especially new and pre-candidacy students, to the MTSU Audio Production program with this orientation in Studio A. 

We'll start with an overview of AES and student membership benefits.  Then, we'll discuss ways that you can contribute to recording sessions as an assistant, even if you're not enrolled in a particular production class.  Good assistants must demonstrate a number of important social and technical skills which we'll explore through some discussion and hands-on participation.  

Key points?  

  • Eyes and ears open.
  • Mouth closed (unless in emergencies!)
  • Think and plan ahead.
  • Take notes.
  • Set-up and manipulate stands correctly.
  • Lay out, dress and coil cables properly.
  • Handle mics securely and carefully.  
  • Know your signal flow...! 


View Official Meeting Report

Posted: Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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Past Event: College of Media and Entertainment Student Organization Fair

September 7, 2017 at 10:00 am

Location: MTSU College of Media and Entertainment, Murfreesboro, TN

Moderated by: Catherine Baron, Kyle Holland, Bill Crabtree, Michael Fleming

 Come say hello and learn more about the MTSU Student AES Section and our plans for the Fall 2017 semester!  

Posted: Thursday, September 7, 2017

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Past Event: Loudspeaker Demonstration and Technical Talk

Loudspeaker Demonstration and Technical Talk

November 19, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Location: Lab B (Rm. 191), College of Media and Entertainment, Middle Tennessee State University

Moderated by: Kyle Holland

Speaker(s): Adam Audio

 The MTSU Audio Engineering Society invites you to our studio monitor demo with Adam Audio.

Come check out pro-level reference monitors this Thursday at 4 p.m. in Room 191 with a representative directly from Adam.

More Information about Adam Loudspeakers

Posted: Thursday, November 19, 2015

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Past Event: Studio Hang—Drum Tuning and Maintenance

November 4, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Location: Lab B (Rm. 191), College of Media and Entertainment, Middle Tennessee State University

Moderated by: Zak Denham

Speaker(s): Enrique Ferrer

The MTSU AES chapter will be having it's first hangout of semester this Wednesday from 4-5 p.m. in Mass Comm 191 Lab B. Come hear about what's going on with AES on and off campus, socialize with other MTSU students, and learn some new skills to improve your engineering game. 

This week's topic will be on drum tuning and maintenance. Learn about the tricks and tools used by drummers and engineers a like to get the best drum tones for your recordings. 

*You do not need to be an registered AES international member to attend this event. 

Posted: Tuesday, November 3, 2015

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Meet Danny Tedesco and watch "The Wrecking Crew"!

Don't miss this behind-the-scenes look at the session musicians who helped create hit songs by The Beach Boys, The Mamas & the Papas, Jan and Dean, and The Monkees.
The Wrecking Crew: A Documentary
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
6 p.m. in the BAS State Farm Room
Q&A with the film's director, Danny Tedesco, following the screening.

Click here for the film's trailer. 

Posted: Tuesday, October 27, 2015

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Past Event: Soldering and Cable Construction Workshop

October 30, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Location: Audio Maintenance Shop (ground floor), College of Media and Entertainment, MTSU

Moderated by: Frank Baird

MTSU AES is proud to present two soldering workshops with Professor Frank Baird at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Friday, October 30.  
Take this opportunity to learn how to properly make solder connections and construct your own cables.
We are looking to have two groups of around 10 people per time-slot, so sign up soon!
* You must purchase a cable kit HERE, save $10 with the code 'mtsu' at checkout.
*You must also go HERE to sign up for a time-slot.
Please head over to our FaceBook page for more updates and any questions you may have.


Posted: Tuesday, October 27, 2015

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Past Event: Studio Monitoring: The Phantom Focus System

Studio Monitoring: The Phantom Focus System

October 21, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Location: College of Education Building (COE) Room 104, Middle Tennessee State University

Moderated by: AES Officers

Speaker(s): Carl Tatz

Due to an emergency power outage that affected numerous buildings at MTSU, this meeting could not take place as planned.  It will be rescheduled as soon as possible based on Carl Tatz's availability.  

The current (Fall 2015) semester saw the introduction of three newly optimized monitoring systems in the Department of Recording Industry's Control Rooms A, B and Mix 180 at MTSU.  Acoustical consultant Carl Tatz performed the system analysis and modifications during the summer using a series of alignment and signal processing procedures that he collectively describes as the "Phantom Focus" protocol.  

MTSU now features Phantom Focus stereo monitoring in five of its control rooms, allowing students and faculty to record and mix with unprecedented confidence in the extended frequency range and linear response of the customized systems.  

In this guest lecture, Carl Tatz will describe the characteristics and benefits of accurate monitoring along with the meaurement and alignment procedures he's developed over several decades of high-profile studio design work for clients in Nashville and throughout the United States.  

Other Business: AES Convention Preview

More Information

Posted: Monday, October 19, 2015

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Past Event: Guest Speaker: Jason Dietz, producer/engineer

Guest Speaker: Jason Dietz, producer/engineer

September 29, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Location: MTSU College of Media and Entertainment, Rm. 191 (Lab B)

Moderated by: Enrique Ferrer

Speaker(s): Jason Dietz, Twin Oak Productions

Today we will have our first AES event on campus. Jason Dietz, producer/engineer of Twin Oak Productions in Murfreesboro will be joining us to talk about his career in audio, his studio, DIY studio management and many other topics.
Join us at 4:30pm, Room 191 (Studio Lab B) of the Media and Entertainment Building.

Posted: Tuesday, September 29, 2015

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AES - Audio Engineering Society