Location: CJ Muggs Restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves MO 63119
Moderated by: Bill Schulenburg
Speaker(s): Rob Schlette, Paul Hennerich
The next meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society is MONDAY, July 9, 2018 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119. It’s a busy summer, so we’re meeting on a Monday evening.
We've reserved the private room downstairs; the brief business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and reports on upcoming events and a recap of the recent "AES Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation, and Restoration” recently held at the Library of Congress National Audiovisual Conservation Center in Culpepper Virginia.
Other Business: Budget Status, Report on Archiving Conference
Posted: Monday, July 2, 2018
Moderated by: Bill Schulenburg
The next meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society will be Sunday, March 11th, 2018 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119 in the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7. We’ll discuss upcoming events, talk audio, and share a fun evening.
You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to visit with us. It’s always a great time, so please spread the word and we’ll see you then!
Posted: Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Location: C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119
Moderated by: Bill Schulenburg
Happy New Year!
The next meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society Sunday will be January 7th, 2018 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119 in the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7.
You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to visit with us. It’s always a great time, so please spread the word, have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll see you then!
Posted: Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Location: C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119
Please join us for the "pre-holiday" meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society Sunday November 12th, 2017 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119. We've reserved the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7.
We’ll be announcing a couple of upcoming events Josh Harris has been working on and thanking Rob Schlette for hosting the great BBQ party a few weeks ago! Fantastic food and an all-around terrific time.
If you're not yet an AES member and are interested in joining or would just like more information about the Audio Engineering Society, visit www.aes.org. You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to attend. Please spread the word, have a good week, and we’ll see you then!
• Promoting the growth, knowledge, and appreciation of the science and art of audio throughout the St. Louis region
• Our local section Yahoo! Group: aesstlouis; Facebook Page: St. Louis Regional AES
Other Business: Event Announcements
Posted: Monday, October 30, 2017
Treasurer Rob Schlette is once again generously hosting the St. Louis AES section BBQ at his home in University City! A huge success last year, all AES members are invited, along with audio students and aficionados of all stripes. It's an evening event this year, beginning at 7PM Saturday Sept. 30th. Rob really knows how to serve up great food and host a happy party. Please join us!
Posted: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
CJ Muggs has asked us to relocate our Sunday September 17 meeting to the upstairs event space on the West side of their restaurant instead of the lower level room. We'll enjoy all the same service and are well separated from the restaurant proper. There's a doorway that opens directly on Lockwood, but you should go ahead and enter through the main restaurant entrance. See you Sunday night!
Posted: Saturday, September 16, 2017
Location: C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves MO 63119.
Moderated by: Bill Schulenburg
Please join us for the next meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society Sunday September 17th, 2017 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119. We've reserved the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7.
We’ll review the activities of the summer, get rolling on autumn, and detail the upcoming BBQ which will take place 7pm September 30!
If you're not yet an AES member and are interested in joining or would just like more information about the Audio Engineering Society, visit www.aes.org. You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to attend. Please spread the word, have a good week, and we’ll see you then!
Bill Schulenburg
Chair, St. Louis Regional Section – Audio Engineering Society
• Promoting the growth, knowledge, and appreciation of the science and art of audio throughout the St. Louis region
• Audio Engineering Society Website: www.aes.org.
• Section Website: www.aes.org/sections/stlouis
• Our local section Yahoo! Group: aesstlouis; Facebook Page: St. Louis Regional AES
Other Business: Reports of committee activities, planning for future events, Networking
Posted: Sunday, September 3, 2017
Location: C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119
Moderated by: Bill Schulenburg
Speaker(s): AES Members
We now have an “official” site to post meeting announcements and news, while continuing to use our Yahoo! Group and facebook page to help spread the word. Thanks to Rob Schlette for all his work making the arrangements for this! So… here’s a meeting announcement!
Please join us for the next meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society Monday July 10 th, 2017 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119. We've reserved the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7.
There’s always a lot of activity to talk about in the Summer, and we’ll be beginning to plan events for the rest of the year, including the upcoming BBQ. More details on that as soon as they become available.
If you’re a voting member of AES, don’t forget to check your email for the ballot materials that were distributed by Global Election Services back on May 25th. Online voting closes July 7. The slate of candidates is posted at:
additional voting guide materials are available when you log in to vote.
If you can’t locate your election login credentials, you can email Global Election Services at [email protected] (please indicate that you are a member of Audio Engineering Society) or call 1-800-864-1263.
If you're not yet an AES member and are interested in joining or would just like more information about the Audio Engineering Society, visit www.aes.org. You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to attend. Please spread the word, have a good week, and we’ll see you then!
Other Business: Discussion of upcoming events and activities, committee reports.
Posted: Monday, June 26, 2017
As you know, the St. Louis AES Section includes audio professionals from music, video, film, games, radio broadcast, and live sound re-enforcement industries. For several years we've been congregating on a Facebook page. Now we have this aes.org/ hosted page and blog to anchor our growing section.
As alwaysThe section hosts bi-monthly meetings, which include regular AES business, special presentations, and Q&A sessions. Most meetings are open to non-members as well.
Now you can check this page, or subscribe to the rss feed, for news of upcoming meetings and other special events.
Posted: Tuesday, June 20, 2017