Location: C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119
Please join us for the "pre-holiday" meeting of the St. Louis (Professional) section of the Audio Engineering Society Sunday November 12th, 2017 at C.J. Muggs restaurant, 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves 63119. We've reserved the private room downstairs; the business meeting starts at 6:30PM and dinner off the menu and socializing should be under way by 7.
We’ll be announcing a couple of upcoming events Josh Harris has been working on and thanking Rob Schlette for hosting the great BBQ party a few weeks ago! Fantastic food and an all-around terrific time.
If you're not yet an AES member and are interested in joining or would just like more information about the Audio Engineering Society, visit www.aes.org. You don't have to be a member to attend our meeting, and students at any level are also encouraged to attend. Please spread the word, have a good week, and we’ll see you then!
• Promoting the growth, knowledge, and appreciation of the science and art of audio throughout the St. Louis region
• Our local section Yahoo! Group: aesstlouis; Facebook Page: St. Louis Regional AES
Other Business: Event Announcements
Posted: Monday, October 30, 2017
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