Location: Digipen, Redmond, WA USA
Moderated by: Dan Mortensen
Speaker(s): Lawrence Schwedler, Digipen
Audio for video games has come a long way since the days of programmable sound generators in the early home consoles. Recent development of virtual and augmented reality for the consumer market has brought about rapid innovation in systems for the realtime rendering of three-dimensional, spatial audio that replicates the way sound waves interact with our ears and head, and with the environment.
This talk will include a brief history of game audio, definition and disambiguation of terminology, and an overview of some of the current methods for rendering spatial audio over headphones and loudspeakers. We will also demonstrate Dr. Edgar Choueiri's BACCH system for binaural audio over loudspeakers, as well as a VR game utilizing a commercial 3D audio plugin.
Other Business: Our Annual Election will take place at this meeting. If you're a member, please attend to help ensure that we have a quorum.
Posted: Thursday, June 8, 2017
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