
Pacific Northwest AES Section Blog

Past Event: The Harry Partch Instrumentarium

May 30, 2017 at 7:30 pm

Location: Meany Studio Theater, University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA

Moderated by: Dan Mortensen

Speaker(s): Charles Corey, Curator, University of Washington

 Harry Partch (1901-1974) was an iconoclastic American composer and instrument inventor with a passion for integrating musicians, actors, and dancers in large-scale works of total-theater. He was "seduced into carpentry" by his interest in just intonation and his need to have an orchestra tuned to this system. The instruments are more than just producers of tone, however — each one has an evocative name and dramatic physical presence, and each one puts unique physical demands on the performer. In Partch's book, Genesis of a Music, he writes that the performer of the Marimba Eroica should at times "convey the vision of Ben Hur in his chariot," while a musician playing his Kithara must not "bend at the waist, like an amateur California prune picker," but instead should move with grace and athleticism in a "functional dance."

During his lifetime, Partch composed numerous works for his instruments. Some pieces are straightforward concert music, while others include components of film, dance, or theater. He made great use of the human voice in his music, requiring instrumentalists and singers alike to 'intone' spoken words on precise pitches. His compositions dealt with subjects ranging from ancient Greek mythology and classic drama to his own life experiences as a hobo in 20th century America.

After Partch's death, his orchestra of over 50 unique instruments was left to his dedicated assistant, Danlee Mitchell. Danlee continued performances of Partch's works from his base at San Diego State University until 1990, when Dean Drummond, a former member of Partch's ensemble, became the curator of the instrumentarium. In 2013, Charles Corey, a member of Drummond's ensemble, was appointed curator, and has worked closely with Danlee Mitchell to continue the legacy of Harry Partch.

More info, including the Presenter's bio, directions, and parking info can be found at the Section Website. Pay particular attention to the parking instructions. The campus police are especially vigilant.

 Seattle Times article and media Strange musical creations #E433

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Posted: Tuesday, April 25, 2017

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