Education & Career

Student Competitions and Awards

For detailed instructions regarding registration and submission process for all competitions, please go here.


Student Recording Competition

The AES Student Recording Competition is a unique opportunity for students at AES international conventions to receive feedback and recognition for their audio production work. Students can enter the competition in different categories covering every possible genre and recording technique.

>> Rules and Policies

>> Past Winners

>>Submission Page 


Saul Walker Student Design Competition

The Saul Walker AES Student Design Competition is an opportunity for aspiring hardware and software engineers to participate in a worldwide contest and gain recognition for their hard work and technical creativity. Undergraduate and graduate categories are available for entrants.

>> Rules and Policies

>> Past Winners

>>Submission Page


MATLAB Plugin Student Competition

MathWorks and AES invite you to challenge both your signal processing skills and creativity! Design a new kind of audio production VST plugin using MATLAB Software and your wits. 

>> Rules and Policies

>> Past Winners

>> Submission Page 
AES - Audio Engineering Society