

SC-03-07 meeting, London, 2010-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-03-07 Working Group on Audio Metadata of the SC-03 Subcommittee on the Preservation and Restoration of Audio Recording held in London, UK, 2010-05-24

The meeting was convened by chair C. Chambers.

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting, 2009-10-11, were accepted as written.

Development projects

AES-X071: Liaison with SMPTE Registration Authority
Scope: to formalize a working relationship with the SMPTE Registration Authority.

Current status: Review current SMPTE set and compare with AES requirement. Contact SMPTE with examples of variance.

With reference to the establishment of the AES class-13 area in the SMPTE metadata dictionary last year, a discussion ensued concerning the necessity for the AES to evolve due process for the submission of entries to this area. It was also felt that there would have to be some form of coordination for the use and updating of the audio related entries for the metadata dictionary as a whole. However, this could be as straight forward to simply keep AES metadata sets intact along with other organisations like the EBU.

The two key questions require answering. Firstly, how do we handle joint metadata standards with organisations like the EBU and secondly, what due process should the AES put in place to collect, organise, and standardise it's metadata along with the distribution of relevant labels and descriptions into the SMPTE dictionary.

There was a further discussion on how any potential AES processes would interface with SMPTE due process. It was stated that there will be a process to check for errors in producing entries in the dictionary.

Project intent: Liaison; Initiated: 1997;
Target date for completion: Continuing
Current goal: Status report; Target date for goal: Continuing

AES-X098A: Descriptive metadata for audio objects - Core audio schema
Scope: To collect information on all metadata issues pertaining to digital audio objects and all aspects of the digital documentation of digital audio objects. This scope includes field structures to describe and provide access to the audio content contained in digital files. It includes transfer, preservation and restoration information. SEE PROJECT AES-X134 for details on the meeting discussions.

Current status: Retire this project - it's task duplicates AES-X134

Project intent: Information Document; Initiated: 1999-12;
Target date for completion: 2011
Current goal: Retirement; Target date for goal: 2009-12

AES-X114: Metadata review
Scope: to study and report on the methods and techniques for attaching and implementing metadata through all aspects of interfacing real-time and file-transfer audio, including, where related to audio, other metadata related to other media. The scope includes metadata for professional recording, sound reinforcement, production, broadcasting, and transmission as well as the exchange of metadata and associated audio among different organizations. It also includes the development of techniques, such as UML, to aid the description of the relationships and flow of metadata requirements in an open and recognised way.

Current status: The EBU working groups have been re-organised so the metadata group is now called EBU EC-M. EBU has re-published T3293, "EBU core metadata set for radio archives" to correct a few typographic errors. The EBU have also been working through their metadata descriptive standards to map them with the audio and video tags in the new proposals in HTML 5.

Project intent: Review; Initiated: 2001-01;
Target date for completion: 2008
Current goal: Status report; Target date for goal: continuing

AES-X134: Core metadata for audio exchange
Scope: To study and produce a standardised set of XML tags, along with their definitions, that describes the core set of metadata to accompany professional audio when being transferred by file or streamed formats.

Current status: Final PWD soon. Revised parameters for sample accurate times and periods.

This document and Tech 3293 now been harmonised and the resulting document will be used as the AES descriptive metadata for audio exchange. The EBU representative went through the changes that have been made to the EBU document and the new "timeType" proposals for the AES documents. (Since this meeting further changes to the label names around the sample accurate time have been proposed.

The AES namespace has been set and this standard will be known as AES60 followed by the year of publication and a revision number. The last remaining issue in this draft is the "timeType" set of labels. A project meeting will be held to try and complete the outstanding items in this document and produce a PWD.

Project intent: Report; Initiated: 2002-09-23;
Target date for completion: 2010
Current goal: PTD; Target date for goal: 2010-12


There were no other liaison issues.

New projects:

No new projects were received or proposed.

New business:

There was no new business.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 129th Convention in San Francisco, USA., 2010-11.