

SC-03-06 meeting, San Francisco, 2004-10

Report of the SC-03-06 Working Group on Digital Library and Archive Systems of the SC-03 Subcommittee on the Preservation and Restoration of Audio Recording meeting, held in San Francisco, CA, US, 2004-10-28

The meeting was convened by chair D. Ackerman.

The agenda and report from the previous meeting were accepted as written.

Development Projects

AES-X98 Review of audio metadata
Descriptive metadata
Chair agreed to forward the Standards Manager's questions on to the documents author W. Sistrunk for clarification and report the results back to the standards manager.

Administrative metadata
X98-B Audio Object metadata will undergo some minor reformatting to present a similar dictionary structure to that found in X98-A. The chair will complete this work and return the document to the Standards Manager for formatting for PTD. A concern was raised after the meeting that a unique material identfier (UMID), being a binary data structure, cannot be placed in a string text field for the identifierType as defined in the schema. The chair proposes to add a base64 data element as a choice for the identifier to allow for non-text identifers.

X98-C was reported to be near completion with some testing carried out within the Harvard College Library and will be presented to the Standards Manager for formatting for PTD when ready.


IASA liaison: T Sheldon reports that there has been no new action on this project.

New projects

No new projects were received or proposed

New business

There was no new business The next meeting is scheduled to be held at the AES 118th Convention in Barcelona, Spain - May 2005. The chair expects to be unable to attend the next meeting in Barcelona. C. Chambers has agreed to chair the meeting for the 118th Convention in his place.