

SC-05-05 meeting, Online, 2024-09

Report of the meeting of the SC-05-05 Working Group on Grounding and EMC Practices held online, 2024-09-30

The meeting was convened by Chair Anthony Kuzub.

In attendance were Richard Cabot, Al Walker, Anthony Kuzub, Bruce Olson, RJ Kenny, David Andrews, Al Walker, Anthony Kuzub, David Prince, Jim Meyer, John Woodgate, Kenneth Fause, Paul Keller, Paul Treleaven.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

The meeting agenda was accepted as written.

There were no minutes of the previous meeting held online, 2024-05-20.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES48-2019: AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Shields of connectors in audio equipment containing active circuitry
The standard will be reaffirmed.

AES54-1-2008 (r2019): AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Connection of cable shields within connectors attached to portable balanced audio cables
The standard will be reaffirmed.

AES54-2-2008 (r2019): AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Shields of balanced audio wiring within fixed and portable passive connector panels, jack fields, and passive microphone splitters
The standard will be reaffirmed.

AES54-3-2008 (r2019): AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Shields of balanced microphone-level outputs of active equipment other than microphones
The standard will be reaffirmed.

AES-X152: AES standard on interconnections - Audio interconnection specifications
Feedback from the previous meeting indicated that the document will be restructured as a report rather than a standard. Its focus will shift towards interfacing rather than performance. This report proposes a uniform format for documenting analog audio interface characteristics in professional audio equipment. It aims to help system designers and users predict device compatibility and performance by providing a consistent way for manufacturers to present their products' interfacing capabilities. The report emphasizes the importance of balanced connections and introduces a datasheet for measuring and reporting device characteristics, enabling more accurate performance predictions and improved interoperability between different manufacturers' products. By following this format, vendors can provide clear and comparable information about their devices' analog audio interfaces.

AES-X249: AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Shields of 25-way D-type connectors in balanced circuits
There is a draft which will be circulated in a Call for Comment. X249 proposes additional information for shielding 25-way D-type connectors in balanced circuits, defining key components and specifying best practices for shield connections. It emphasizes the importance of low-impedance connections between shield contacts and enclosures, proper use of jack screws, and the separation of shield currents from audio signals. The proposal also includes specific guidelines for multi-pair cables and warnings about potential issues, all aimed at standardizing and improving shielding effectiveness in audio equipment. Discussion continued about the use of an overall shield on multi-pair connections. According to AES59, pin 13 is not used, and the overall shield shall not be connected to this pin. The group's recommendation is to say that “If an overall shield is present, it shall be bonded at each end to the shielding enclosures.” but not expressly say how to accomplish this.

New Projects

No new projects were proposed.


No liaison activity was reported.

New business:


The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 158th Convention, to be held online in May 2025.

AES - Audio Engineering Society