

SC-04-08 meeting report, online meeting, 2024-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-04-08 Working Group on Measurement and Equalization of sound systems in rooms, held online, 2024-10-01

Chair David Prince convened the meeting.

In attendance were Rich Cabot, David Prince, Tom Holman, Lon Neumann, Charlie Hughes, Brian Long, Brian Vessa, Paul Treleaven, Matt Ward.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

Minutes of previous meeting online, 2024-05-22 were accepted.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Development projects

AES-X218: Measurement and calibration of sound systems in rooms.
David Prince summarized status. Writing group was meeting twice a month with a few cancellations. Work was progressing slowly due to other obligations. Neither the measurement standard nor the Information Documents were at a review point yet.

The conclusion from the May meeting that x219 should be scrapped and incorporated into the x218 document had not received any objections since the May meeting so DP instructed for Rich Cabot to discontinue x219.


Brian Vessa and Lon Neumann provided updates on SMPTE activity paralleling x218 Progress with heavy emphasis on Dialogue intelligibility.

DP noted recent JASA social media post (on article in April 2023) outlining change in vocal level vs background; is there something similar for Cinema dialogue vs background. The analogy of genre was noted - in music country vs metal (in the JASA article) is similar to drama vs special effects genre in cinema classification.

New Projects

No new projects were proposed.

New Business

The need for a new Vice-Chair was restated. Please consider volunteering.

The next meeting will be held online in May 2025, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 158th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society