

SC-03-12 meeting, Online, 2024-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-03-12 Working Group on Forensic Audio, held online, 2024-10-02.

SC-03-12 chair Marisa Déry called the meeting to order.

The report of the previous meeting, held online 2024-05-21, was approved as written.

The agenda was approved as written.

In attendance were MT Déry, A Rosen, K McElveen, G Reid, R Cabot, B Vessa, GPA Elviña, J Hansen.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES-X259 Standard Operating Procedure for the authentication of digital audio recordings
Scope: The purpose of this standard is to formulate a standard operating procedure (SOP) in the authentication of digital audio recordings intended to be offered as evidence or otherwise utilized in civil, criminal, or other fact-finding proceedings. We hope to include a Best Practices within this guideline to stay current by focusing on the digital medium.

After input from several members of the group, it was decided by the majority that the paper would focus more on defining methodology to assist in the development of a Standard Operating Procedure in all aspects of audio forensics. The goal is to assist consultants and small 1 person+ labs to follow ISO 17025 rules and guidelines in a realistic environment.

The paper will be renamed: "AES-X259 AES Standard for audio forensics- Methodology and general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration".
* In scope: Add that a lab is 1 person or more
* Discussed how to address validation
* Importance to stay away from transcription as it may show bias
* Error rate should be discussed but with caution
* In process requirement, discussed "sampling". Use of Sampling noise (acoustic context)
* Add that there needs to be a sufficient amount of training test material to do a valid verification
* Will soon divide sections among members
* J Hansen will send us a "process map" from OSAC (excel file)


Nothing new to report

New projects

No new projects.

New business

No new business was raised.

The next meeting will be held online in May 2025, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 158th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society