

SC-03-07 meeting report, online meeting, 2024-09

Report of the meeting of the SC-03-07 Working group on Audio Metadata held online, 2024-09-30.

Kaylie Ackerman convened the meeting.

Attendees were Richard Cabot, Bruce Olson, Kaylie Ackerman, Paul Treleaven, Walt Zerbe, Ultan Henry, Scott Norcross.

Minutes of the previous meeting were not available.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES31-4-R Review of AES31-4-2024, AES standard for network and file transport of audio - XML Implementation of Audio Decision Lists
Status: A new draft was published in a Call for Comment. The comment period has closed with no negative comments.

AES-X098C Administrative metadata for audio objects - Process history schema
Scope: To collect information on all metadata issues pertaining to digital audio objects and all aspects of the digital documentation of digital audio objects.

This has been waiting for activity from Tormod Værvågen. Since he is no longer active in audio he likely does not have time to work on it.

We need to find a new person to take over this project or cancel it.

AES-X155 AES standard for audio metadata - Production recording metadata set (iXML)
Scope: This document specifies a format for communicating file- and project-based production metadata between various stages of production and post production workflow.

We need files representing what is actually in use today. Ultan Henry contacted users and is waiting for reference files that were promised to him. He will contact people to assure them that no audio will be used or shared, we only need the metadata. The files could have their audio stripped before sharing.


No further liaisons to discuss.

New Projects:

No new projects.

New business:

Bruce suggested Ultan Henry take over from Tormod as co-chair. Ultan will consider this.

The next meeting will be held online in May of 2025, in conjunction with the AES 158th convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society