

SC-02-12 meeting, Online, 2024-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-12 Working Group on Audio Applications of Networks of the SC-02 Subcommittee on Digital Audio, held online in connection with the 157th Convention, 2024-10-04.

The meeting was convened by chair Kevin Gross.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

The report of the previous meeting, held online, in connection with the 155th Convention, 2024-05-24, was approved as written.

The agenda was approved as posted.

In attendence were Richard Cabot, Al Walker, Kevin Gross, Andreas Hildebrand, Bruce Olson, Andy Rosen, Paul Treleaven, Jeff Berryman, Gints Linis, Jim Meyer, Walt Zerbe, John Grant, Kent Terry, Anthony Zuzub, Hatano Wataru, David Felland

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES67-R - Review of AES67-2023 , AES standard for audio applications of networks - High-performance streaming audio-over-IP interoperability

Editorial changes were published in a Call for Comment. It is due to close on October 14th. The changes are minor, and no comments have been received to date.

AES70-1-R Review of AES70-1-2018: AES standard for audio applications of networks - Open Control Architecture - Part 1: Framework

AES70-2-R Review of AES70-2-2018: AES standard for audio applications of networks - Open Control Architecture - Part 2: Class structure

AES70-3-R Review of AES70-3-2018: AES standard for audio applications of networks - Open Control Architecture - Part 3: Protocol for TCP/IP networks

These versions were published in recently and are not up for review/reaffirmation until 2029.

AES-X242 Streaming audio metadata over IP

Kent Terry reported that SMPTE 2110-41 has been published and AES-X242 will be a set of constraints on the SMPTE standard to insure its compatibility with AES67. There is activity in audio applications of SMPTE 2110-41 so there is a need for this work to be standardized. Kent will be working with the SC-02-12-R Task Group to see this through. Hopefully someone will take on the job of editor for the group.

AES-X243 Audio applications of networks - Using AES70 for managing AES67 and SMPTEST 2110-30 media stream connections

This was published in a call for comment. One substantive comment was received from Anthony Kuzub. The Task Group has developed a response which will be communicated back to him in the coming weeks. It will be inserted into the Standard as an informative annex.

It will be published as AES70-21.

AES-X252 AES70 Milan Adaptation

This was published in a call for comment. To date no comments have been received.

It will be published as AES70-22.

AES-X258 Using AES70 to manage Audinate Dante® media transport

This document will specify the use of AES70 to manage Audinate Dante® media stream connections between devices, where AES70 is used to control at least one of the devices, while other devices may be controlled using Audinate mechanisms or other out-of-scope means.

The OCA has been working on a draft. Jeff Berryman described the outreach the OCA and the Task Group is doing to insure the draft aligns with Audinates plans. When completed, the standard is expected to be called AES70-23.

John Grant, chair of SC-02-02 suggested that Jeff Berryman get involved in the AES-X260 UWB work of SC-02-02-B to coordinate the media transport requirements that will occur there. Bruce Olson mentioned that there would be a meeting of SC-02-02-B during the upcoming AES Convention in NY.

During this work the group discovered that the CM4 model is not general enough. Consequently a CM4.1 model is being developed that handles channel based routing in addition to the existing stream based routing. This should be useful in UWB applications.

Jeff Berryman mentioned that NMOS has been developing a control architecture. He had been working with them to make their design compatible with the OCA/AES approach. Their requirements have shifted and their architecture has been moving further away from the AES approach. It’s not clear how compatible they will be.


Liaison with SMPTE (Paul Treleaven)

Paul mentioned that SMPTE is developing a part 11 to the 2110 suite that will automate timing alignment at any chosen control plane. The intention is that it will do measurements all the way through the distribution and automate the lining up of buffers. They are also working on a revision of their PTP profile standard 2059-2. The aim is to make something compatible with IEEE 1588-2 revision 2.1 which alters the structure of TLV packets. He thinks we should monitor the development of their Catena control protocol.

Liaison with MIDI (Anthony Kuzub)

Anthony mentioned that MIDI 2.0 includes transport specifications. They have been discussing AES70 in their parallel data streams. Though much of the development is kept secret, the packet and size definitions are publicly available.

New Business:

Jeff Berryman mentioned that the OCA Alliance is interested in control of cloud based or virtual audio devices and services. There is a lot of interest in this in the broadcast community. As this work progresses they will bring it to the AES.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 157th Convention in early October 2024, it will be virtual. Standard meetings will likely be scheduled the week before the actual show.

AES - Audio Engineering Society