

SC-04-09 meeting, Online, 2024-05

Report of the Meeting of the SC-04-09 Working Group on Assessment of acoustic annoyance, held online, 2024-05-22.

Chair David Josephson convened the meeting, patent policy read, introduction of attendees, agenda approved, report of previous virtual meeting held 2023-10-11 approved.

In attendance were Richard Cabot, John Grant, David Josephson, David Prince, Joel Brito, Jonathan Digby, Scott Dorsey, Siddhartha Krishnamurthy, Peter Mapp, Andy Christian, Aaron Vaughn.

New projects:

AES-X248 Assessment of Acoustic Annoyance

Discussion resumed on the open project.

That was followed by a presentation from Andrew Christian and Aaron Vaughn from NASA Langley Research Center on their approach for a continuous scale of annoyance metrics using a new variable to denote the relative importance of event magnitude and number of events. Copies of relevant papers were provided on the SC-04-09 document site.


No liaison activity reported.

New projects

No new projects were proposed.

New business

No new business was raised.

The next meeting will be held online in October 2024, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 157th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society