

SC-02-08 meeting, online, 2024-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-08 Working Group on Audio file transfer and exchange, held online, 2024-05-21.

The meeting was convened by Chair Piotr Majdak.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

The report of the previous meeting, held online on 2023-10-10 was approved.

In attendance were Richard Cabot, Bruce Olson, Piotr Majdak, Fabian Brinkman, John Grant, Markus Noisternig, Paul Treleaven, Ultan Henry.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects

AES31-2-R Review of AES31-2-2019: Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 2: File Format for Transferring Digital Audio Data Between Systems of Different Type and Manufacture
AES31-3-R Review of AES31-3-2008 (r2019): AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 3: Simple project interchange, including maintenance of annex F.
The AES31 requires a reaffirmation. As a result of the discussion, tt might be a good idea to add the support for 32-bit floating point audio data to AES31-2. Ultan Henry proposed to take lead the work group with Bruce Olsen being part of the group. The goal is to integrate 32-bit support in the AES31, and checking whether Part 2 and 3 require an update as well.

AES69-R Review of AES69-2022: AES standard for file exchange - Spatial acoustic data file format
Typos have been found in the standard document. They might be significant for somebody implementing the standard from scratch and they should be fixed as soon as possible. Within the next weeks, Piotr Majdak will prepare an update of the document, and after checking within the working group (Markus Noisternig, Fabian Brinkmann) provide it to Richard Cabot for publishing. The revisions will be circulated by the end of the year.

There is an initiative led by Helene Bahu (IRCAM, Paris) to better normalize the representation of HRTFs. To this end, this initiative will prepare a document with rules for conduct, approximately until the fall 2024. Then, these rules could be translated to and integrated in the AES69, with 2025 as the goal for publishing.

There has been demand for storing binaural audio with annotated spatially oriented data. A new convention has been proposed last year, and this year it could be integrated in the AES69, with 2025 as the goal for publishing.


Nothing to report.

New projects

Nothing to report.

New business

No new business was proposed.

The next meeting will be held online in October 2024, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 157th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society