

SC-02-02 meeting, Online, 2024-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-02 Working Group on Digital audio interfaces, held online, 2024-05-23

The meeting was convened by chair John Grant.

Present were Richard Cabot, Paul Treleaven, John Grant, Junichi Yoshio, Jackie Green, Benjamin Rolfe, Andy Rosen, Kevin Gross

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

The agenda was approved as written.

There were no comments on the report of the previous meeting, held online, 2023-10-10.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open projects:

AES3-R Review of AES3-n-2009 (r2019), AES standard for digital audio - Digital input-output interfacing - Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data (four parts, n = 1 to 4)

All four parts are due for review this year. The meeting proposed reaffirmation..

AES-X260 UWB Hi Res, Low Latency Audio Interface

Scope: Describe the preferred way to implement connection management, assure consistent audio quality, and provide for interoperable audio and feature control sets for the MAC convergence and application layers of UWB devices intended for high-quality audio use. Provide extensions to IEEE 802.15.4ab standard which defines connection, operating features and command structure in order to provide an interoperable interface between UWB audio capture and playback devices.

J Green presented the current state of the project, which has been assigned to task group SC-02-02-B. The IEEE standard PHY will be used, so that off-the-shelf silicon can be used; 2 or maybe 3 of the options will be selected. Similarly, standard MAC options will be selected where possible. Audio transport to be based on existing AES standards as far as possible. Channel access to be based on work in ETSI ISG NIN, and key management on 802.15.9.

B Rolfe to initiate liaison between IEEE and AES so the task group can have sight of 802.15.4 drafts. "Straw man" X260 draft expected in June.

There is a workshop on UWB for audio on the Saturday morning of the AES Convention in Madrid.


J Grant reported that IEC is standardising a PHY-agnostic wireless MAC for ultra-low latency communication; a first draft is expected soon.

New projects

No new projects were proposed.

New business

No new business was raised.

The next meeting will be held online in October 2024, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 157th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society