

SC-02-01 meeting, Online, 2024-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-01 Working Group on Digital audio measurement techniques, held online, 2024-05-21.

The meeting was convened by chair Jayant Datta.

The report of the previous meeting, held online (NYC), 2023-10-12, was approved as written.

The agenda was approved as written.

The following were present online: Bruce Olson, David Andrew, Hatano Wataru, John Grant, John La Grou, Paul Treleaven, Tim Hadebank, Tom Holman, Rich Cabot, and Jayant Datta

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES17-R Review of AES17-2020: AES standard method for digital audio equipment - Measurement of digital audio equipment
Status: Task group [Brian Vessa, John La Grou, Julian Pinn, Tomlinson Holman, Rich Cabot, Jayant Datta] working under Ian Dennis' leadership. Comments are on the shared Google Drive: aes17 - Google Drive Next step: Ian Dennis will send out a meeting invite to the Task group to go through the comments received.

Additional action item: Rich Cabot and Bruce Olson will look into relevant IEC standard and make a proposal to the IEC

AES-X217 Audio ADC test method and performance specification for archiving and preservation applications
Status: Current version uploaded to: Next step: Rich Cabot to inform SC-03-06 that we would like to move forward with the document -- if they have any feedback, we would like to hear from them in a week. After that, Jayant Datta to work with Rich Cabot to format the document to be consistent with AES expectations.


Nothing new to report.

New projects

Rich Cabot suggested this group look into a proposal from Giuseppe Parolo -- new technique to measure nonlinear distortions in audio amplifiers. It was pointed out that the remit of this group is constrained to digital audio signals. Discussion ensued (TC 100 might be an appropriate home; some demand in SC-05-05; should AES consider having a group associated with measuring analog audio) -- recommendation: this may be worth investigating further, but it is outside the remit of SC-02-01 -- Bruce Olson and Rich Cabot might propose a topic to TC 100 ... if Giuseppe Parolo is from Italy, the Italian national committee could move it to TC 100; we can offer our expertise.

New business

No new business proposed

The next meeting will be held online in October 2024, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 157th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society