

SC-07-01 meeting report, online meeting, 2020-05

Report of the meeting of the SC-07-01 Working group on Audio Metadata held online, 2019-5-28.

The meeting was convened by Chair Kaylie Ackerman.

Attendees were Paul Treleaven, Richard Cabot, Tormod Vaervaegen, Bruce Olson, Kent Terry, Kaylie Ackerman, David Pesce, Jeff Willens, Scott Norcross, Stephen Scott, Brad McCoy.

Minutes of previous meeting in New York, 2019-10 were approved.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects:

AES31-4-R Review of AES31-4-2015, AES standard for network and file transport of audio - XML Implementation of Audio Decision Lists
Status: Due for reaffirmation.
There was a change to AES31-3 to correct a missing SMPTE label in an ADL ID field and this document will need a similar correction.

The chair mentioned that there is an errant copyright statement which needs to be revised.

The Standards Manager will check to see if the errant rights statement in the AES31-3 XML style sheet has been removed and remove it if it has not.

Paul suggested that Mark Yonge’s request for a corrected SMPTE label for the ADL id may have not been processed by SMPTE because they had an incorrect URL on their site which he may have submitted to. Paul will check on the request and try to advance it if necessary.

Then AES31-3 may need to have a call for comment to complete the change that Mark made to that document before he left and AES31-4 needs to have the change carried over to it’s SMPTE label and then be likewise updated.

AES60-R Review of AES60id-2020, AES standard for audio metadata - Core audio metadata
Status: The document was published April 15th.

AES-X098C Administrative metadata for audio objects - Process history schema
Scope: To collect information on all metadata issues pertaining to digital audio objects and all aspects of the digital documentation of digital audio objects. This scope includes field structures to describe and provide access to the audio content contained in digital files. It includes transfer, preservation and restoration information.

Tormod is working to extend the RDF model and hopes to test the document with real data and showcase a proof of concept.

AES-X155 AES standard for audio metadata - Production recording metadata set (iXML)
Scope: This document specifies a format for communicating file- and project-based production metadata between various stages of production and post production workflow. It may also have utility in other areas. The format, iXML, uses the XML standard for communication of tagged metadata. The XML-formatted metadata may be written to a data chunk inside a Broadcast Wave file, such as AES31-2, or some other suitable file type. iXML standardizes the interchange of production information and provides an extensible framework to add new private or public data as needs develop, while permitting the specification to be expanded in a consistent and compatible manner.

Tormod asked for iXML example files. He is working on a mapping between iXML and AES 60. Bruce will ask the TC’s on Broadcast and the TC on recording and production for example files and get them to Tormod.

AES-X224 Best Practices for the Management of Embedded Metadata in Audio Files
Scope: To create a guide for manufacturers of audio hardware, software and computer platforms describing best practices for the management of metadata embedded in audio files.

Bruce will reach out to TC ARDL, broadcast and recording & production for input on how to move this project forward.

Brad McCoy brought it to our attention that FADGI published a new document today that relates to embedded metadata. He will forward the link to the Standards Manager.

There was also discussion of the 2022 Archiving conference at LOC.


No further liaisons to discuss.

New Projects:

No new projects.

New business:

Bruce announced that AES Standards is restarting AES-03. Because 03-12 is restarting they have decided to move 07-01 back into 03 as SC-03-07. There was also talk of potential restart of SC-03-06.

The next meeting will be held in New York, NY, US 2020-10, in conjunction with the AES 149th convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society