

Comments on reaffirmation of AES43-2000

last updated 2005-11-04

Comments to date on reaffirmation of AES43-2000, AES standard for forensic audio - Criteria for the authentication of analog audio tape recordings published 2005-08-03 for comment.

Comment received from M. Piper, 2005-11-05

I would like to make the following comment on AES43-2000:

I would recommend that "Annex A, Informative references" be "beefed up" a bit.

  • Section 5.4.2 refers to the demonstration of findings "in a scientific" manner.
  • Section 5.4.4 refers to the FTA's conclusion "based on a high degree of scientific certainty."
  • Section 6.1.3.b refers to the FTA attaining a "high degree of scientific certainty as to its findings, opinion, and conclusion."

Given this (most appropriate) emphasis on scientific methodology, more references to scientific work would lend noticeable strength to an otherwise sound, well-structured and efficient document. The Weiss, et al. "Watergate tapes report" is cited in the forward and is admittedly not a part of the standard. I think this would be an excellent addition to Annex A.

Another good reference is Koenig, "Authentication of Forensic Audio Recordings", J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 38, No.1/2, 1990 Jan-Feb.

I wish I was familiar with more good papers to recommend. Perhaps the committee members could take this comment as a collective challenge to review the relevant literature (AES, IEEE, ASA, others?) since the previous publication of this document.

One of the challenges of forensic science has always been building and maintaining strong connections between the forensic practitioners and the relevant scientific and technical communities, many of whom have never applied their work to the problems in forensics. When good basic research that builds a strong underpinning for forensics can be identified, we as a community should act to preserve this knowledge somewhere easily referenced by the whole community, such as in documents like AES43-2000.

Thank you for your consideration.

Michael Piper

Reply from T. Owen


Yes , I agree. Those references should be included.

Thomas J. Owen
Chair SC-03-12