

AES Standards News Blog

October 2022

AES-21id: "Screen-less navigation for high-resolution audio on Blu-ray Disc" to be stabilized

BD players are designed to be used in conjunction with a video screen, and so screen-based visual feedback is assumed for operational control. Many audio users will still prefer the simplicity of CD operations and, in many consumer hi-fi systems, there will be no existing screen and the extra cost of providing a screen just to see the menu could make the high-resolution audio proposition impractical

It is possible, without making any changes to the BD player, to provide the necessary functionality for screen-less playback of high-resolution audio. The necessary functionality can be provided using programming that is included at the authoring stage of the disc.

The screen-less modes described in AES-21id are a function of programming during the disc mastering stage. They use the standard BD capabilities and do not seek to limit them in any way.

This document has been unchanged since its publication in 2011.  If you have input on revising or expanding this document please notify the Standards Manager.  If no input is received by 2022/12/31 it will be stabilized.

Contact the Standards Manager

Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2022

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AES69-2022 has been published, revised version of AES69-2020

AES69-2022, "AES standard for file exchange – Spatial acoustic data file format", a revised version of AES69-2020 has been published. 

This document standardizes a file format to exchange space-related acoustic data, such as binaural listening
parameters in the form of head related transfer functions. The format is scalable to match the available
rendering process and is designed to include source materials from different databases.
With a standardized file format for HRTF and SRIR data, each company can contribute its best algorithms,
providing good personalized capture and/or rendering, allowing the consumer to choose a combination of
technologies for the best quality of experience.

More Information

Posted: Friday, October 7, 2022

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AES62-2011 Modified XLR-3 Connector for Digital Audio is withdrawn

AES62-2011 AES standard for audio connectors - Modified XLR-3 Connector for Digital Audio, has been withdrawn

Withdrawl was unanimously recommended by SC-05-02 because no manufacturers have implemented the standard and it is confusing to have the standard suggest otherwise. The standard will remain available via the AES Standards Store, but copies are marked as withdrawn.

Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022

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The fall 2022 AES Standards meeting schedule is online

The fall meetings of the AES Standards Working Groups have been scheduled for October, prior to the AES fall convention.  The standards meetings will all be virtual.  The working group meetings have been scheduled for 10 - 14 October. The plenary session where individual working groups report their progress in summary form will be on 24 October.

All standards meetings will be held using Zoom and are open to all interested parties.  Membership in AESSC working groups is open to all individuals.  AES membership is not required.

More Information

Posted: Saturday, October 1, 2022

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