Location: Zoom virtual Meeting (5pm Central European Time / Germany time zone)
Moderated by: Dr Elena Shabalina
Speaker(s): Miguel Conrad, Nicholas Clarke, Jamie Angus-Whiteoak
A lot of research is being done on sustainable product design to reduce environmental impact, increase efficiency and improve health and safety across various industries. How can these "green" topics be applied to audio? Three experts will present their perspectives on the "green theme" and energy efficiency in audio and will talk in particular about efficient amplifier topologies. What's behind Class "G"reen amplifiers?
The Presenters
Miguel Conradi - HARMAN International
Miguel Conradi is passionate about music, audio quality and technology. He's a Telecom Engineer specialised in Signal Processing. Miguel is a curious and engaged person, who loves bringing innovative ideas to his daily life.
Nicholas Clarke - HARMAN Luxury Audio
As Senior Director of Global Engineering for HARMAN Luxury Audio, Nicholas Clarke is responsible for guiding premier engineering teams around the world to create award-winning products for HARMAN Luxury Audio’s renowned brands, such as JBL Synthesis, Arcam, Lexicon, Mark Levinson and Revel. Before joining HARMAN in 2017, Clarke worked with Audiolab, which became TAG McLaren Audio, and became Chief Engineer there in 1998. After five years with TAG McLaren Audio, Nicholas was appointed Director of Engineering at International Audio Group. In 2006, Nicholas joined the A&R Cambridge team becoming Director of Engineering. Following 11 years of driving innovation with A&R Cambridge, Nicholas stepped into a new leadership position with the HARMAN organization. His experience, knowledge and passion for audio shines through high-performing, cutting-edge products such as the JBL Synthesis SDP-55 16-Channel Home Theater Processor and the JBL Synthesis SDR-35 16-Channel AVR featured in this article. He earned his degree in Electronics from Angela Ruskin University, Cambridge UK.
Jamie Angus-Whiteoak - Professor Emerita, Salford University
Jamie Angus-Whiteoak's interest in audio was crystallized at age 11 when she visited the WOR studios in NYC on a school trip in 1967. After this she was hooked, and spent much of her free time studying audio, radio, synthesizers, and loudspeakers, and even managed to build some!
She has worked in both industry and academia in diverse fields from integrated optics and acoustics to analogue and digital signal processing. Her expertise ranges from valve (tube) circuits to the applications of esoteric number theory in signal processing. She has pioneered degree level courses in both music technology and electronic engineering in the UK. She is the inventor of; modulated, wideband, and absorbing diffusers, direct processing of Super Audio CD signals, and one of the first 4-channel digital tape recorders. She has done work on signal processing, analogue circuits, and numerous other audio technology topics.
She has been awarded an AES fellowship, the IOA Peter Barnet Memorial Award, and the AES Silver Medal Award, for her contributions to audio and acoustics. For relaxation she likes playing drums and dancing, but not at the same time.
Join Meeting
The colloquium will be held as a webinar session in English with three presentations of 20 minutes each, followed by a 30-minute discussion in a separate Zoom session.
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JDbHcmRDRomWsuFBCOiOjA
The Meeting Format: We will be hosting this meeting using Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For most participants, audio and video are muted during the webinar session. In the discussion they can be unmuted (indicated by the raised hand function). This will be explained again at the beginning of the meeting. For a better quality we suggest to use a headset with microphone. The presentation will be recorded. By turning on your camera you are consenting for your image to be used in a photograph of the event.
Other Business: There will be an open discussion after the talk.
Posted: Saturday, June 5, 2021
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