Location: Zoom virtual Meeting (5pm Central European Time / Germany time zone)
Moderated by: Rafael Kassier
Speaker(s): Przemek Danowski, Made Indrayana (Indra), Martin Rieger, Dr. Katja Rogers, Dr. Ben Supper
For this month’s AES South German Section Research Colloquium, a roundtable of experts in VR Audio will be discussing the latest and greatest developments in the field, with full interaction with the audience!
The Experts
Przemek Danowski - New media / audio / video / VR specialist
Made Indrayana (Indra) - CTO at Double Shot Audio
Martin Rieger - Freelance 3D Audio Technology & Immersive Content Creator
Discussion - How VR sound drives immersive storytelling?
Dr. Katja Rogers - Postdoctoral Researcher with the HCI Games Group, University of Waterloo
HCIGames Group - Profile Video
Dr. Ben Supper - Supperware Ltd
Presentation at the Audio Developer Conference
Join Meeting
The colloquium will be held in English with a 60 min roundtable discussion.
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtf-6prD4tG92PKdbKe-3LXbd-w3INbDtt
The Meeting Format: We will be hosting this meeting using Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For most participants, audio and video are muted when they join the meeting. Later, they can be unmuted (indicated by the raised hand function). This will be explained again at the beginning of the meeting. For a better quality we suggest to use a headset with microphone. The presentation won't be recorded. By turning on your camera you are consenting for your image to be used in a photograph of the event.
ical Event: Add ical event to your office client.
Other Business: -
Posted: Thursday, March 11, 2021
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