
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - June 28, 2012

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On Thursday, June 28th 2012 the acclaimed seminar on the audio recording of ambieces for the "The Wall Live" tour that former Pink Floyd bassit Roger Waters offered in Argentina in March 2012 was held at the EMU - Music Education School in La Plata, Argentina. Keynote speaker was Mr. Martin Sznaider, director of the Mobile Studio EIGHT-TEN, who made a flawless journey through the different facets that involves a live recording.

As the Argentine venue made for a particular one, it was very interesting to hear all the details of each stage and how they would all link to each other: from communication from the beginning with the client, on thru to planning the budget, and all the comings and goings, the technical scheme for the recording and especially the challenges involved dealing with one of the most produced and more complex shows in recent times. All this brought to mind several anecdotes, details of organizational, operational and coordination nature, which turned itself into a very pleasant chat, creating an interesting back and forth talk between the audience and the speaker, spanning over almost two and a half hours.

The AES Argentina would like to thank all of the over fifty attendees to the EMU auditorium in spite of a winter day's rain, not only to take part of this seminar but also to continue to enable AES ARG to provide further audio events.

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