Meeting Topic: Last Meeting of the Semester (Spring 2012)
Moderator Name: Eric Wegener
Other business or activities at the meeting:
This is our last official meeting of the spring 2012 semester.
After a group vote: Dave Hansmann will stand in as interim Chair officer and Jeff Marshall will stand in as interim Vice Chair. They are in charge of keeping up with recruiting, publicity, and our return meeting scheduling for Fall semester of 2012.
Jordan Silva will be interim Secretary.
We will continue official voting for society's officer positions in September 2012
Student Work Critique Day:
Mayer is open Wednesdays @ 1:00 pm. Jeff will book for Wed April 18th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm and the following Wed. April 25th at the same times. Check emails and Facebook group for confirmation.
Possible workshop opportunities:
Wes Dooley of AEA microphones said he may be interested in running a microphone workshop with our AES chapter this semester if not next semester. Jeff Marshall will following up on details about this.
New Idea:
Starting this year and following into the fall school semester, we as a chapter will designate the task of an Alumni Outreach Program to one of the committee members.
Meeting Location: Room 206 of the COM building Loyola Marymount University LA
This is our last meeting and we mostly discussed our upcoming event; where we will book our screening theater for AES members and other non-members who have sound projects that want criticism and suggestions on how to improve our work.
Also we discussed that we would wait until September of 2012 (beginning of Fall semester) to make official votes for officer positions.
Written By: Dave Hansmann