
AES Section Meeting Reports

New York - March 6, 2012

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Over 75 students and professionals filled to overflowing the second floor classroom at the Institute of Audio Research (IAR) on Tuesday, March 6th. With many of the attendees expecting to begin their career in audio very soon, there was a great deal of interest in getting important information from the presenters.

Kirk Imamura of Avatar Studios said that, beyond the basic technical knowledge of audio, they are looking for what were called "soft skills." Being able to work with and around clients in potentially stressful situations is an important skill that can be difficult to learn. Scott Hull of Masterdisk echoed that idea, and said that it is important for interns to observe all of what is going on during sessions. While interns will not be expected to volunteer their opinions during sessions, they should show their interest in the operations by having some good questions ready to ask, when given the opportunity.

Danny Garcia of FirstLive Guide said that you should always be there when you are supposed to be there, and strive to be the best at whatever task is given to you. Then, look to see what else you can do to help out. Even if it seems like a small task, pay attention to the details. Andrew Hollis of Solid State Logic said that learning the details of the computer networking "IT" world is an important part of the audio tool kit. Also, if your background is in music (theory or practice) use that skill to help you complete the task the best way you can.

A lively Q&A session followed. A common opinion from the presenters was that, even though you will probably not be performing key tasks on client material during the few months of your internship, you should do your best to "make yourself indispensable" at whatever task you are given. This is the best way to move on to other positions within the facility. Your internship will provide opportunities for you to learn what goes on inside a facility beyond what you might study in your courses. A good recommendation after an internship can often be more important than any one particular skill.

After the formal portion of the meeting, students and presenters remained to ask and answer even more questions for over an hour. Thanks should be given to the presenters, students, and our host, IAR, for their time and interest in contributing to a very informative meeting.

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