Meeting Topic: Intro to Winter Quarter
Moderator Name: Jason Ebueng
Speaker Name: Jason Ebueng, Christine Fox
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Who is going to the NAMM Show? We will possibly be carpooling with MEISA. More details soon. Watch your email and the AES facebook page.
Possible studio tours at the Village, Sunset Sound, Crafted Recording. Tours committee report on possible dates (Thursdays or Fridays?) after the NAMM Show.
Music Department Bowling Night February 2nd at Chapparal Lanes: More details coming soon
Plate Reverb: we will be building a plate reverb this quarter!
Vice President Position: We will need to hold another election for our VP position. Put in for your nomination today!
Coachella: This year it is two weekends! You can volunteer. More details to come.
Any questions or comments please contact one of the AES officers or Email us at [email protected]
Meeting Location: Pomona, California, USA