
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - December 1, 2011

Meeting Topic:

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


On September 29th 2011, the auditorium at Estudio Urbano, in Buenos Aires, was chosen for the start of the "Second Series of Open Conferences in Estudio Urbano; Audio & Acoustics", organized once again by AES Argentina.

This Series consist of a total of ten Seminars from different keynote speakers, each specialized in diverse areas of audio and acoustics, and taking place every Thursday from September 29th until December 1st.

On December 1st, Sebastian Estevez talked about 'Aspects Of The Measurements and Alignment Considerations for Live Systems.

Included topics were related to the alignment of audio paths into RTA systems (real time analizers) and FFT (fast Fourier transform) analyzers - including different applications for calibration of the two systems - frequency measurements in electric and acoustic domain and how they are affected by the work environment, impulse response - with the great possibilities of the further processing and analysis -, electrical phase response and acoustic approach, as well as the many items different manufacturers take into account for their designs. Other subjects addresses by Sebastian included frequency response on axis and off-axis in measurement methodologies applied in sound field, acoustic scattering, overlaps, and beamwith cosiderations.
Level settings, crossover frequency, polarity, delay, EQ, and basically all the parameters associated with the processor system configuration and application were discussed, before finally refering to acoustics prediction programs and auralization as further aid for designing a system.

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