
AES Section Meeting Reports

Mexico - November 29, 2011

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Easy Comprehension Concepts and Permanent Use
A year's gone by and the last activity of the Mexico Section took place at the Salon Blanco de Lunario in Mexico City last November 29th.
Oscar Barrientos, technical service manager for Meyer Sound talked about Base Frequency, a Mathematical Concept of Sonic Possibilities.
The concept of base frequency comes from the behavior of sound in its fundamental physical aspects, and he ran through some analysis of essential formulas for the sound designers as frequency, time period, phase, cycle with practical examples so the assistants got a hold of what he was explaining.
Mathematics helps us to know, analyze, use and represent concepts, sometimes a bit abstract ion our world and this is the case with sound. In this session they analyzed the bas frequency and how impacts on time period, wavelength, separation between sound sources, array length, sound transmission and obstacles, propagation's time and distance, comb filtering, among many different topics that can be analyzed through this mathematical concept. Thanks for his peculiar way to teach, he got easily the assistant's attention that were interacting with him throughout his presentation.

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