Meeting Topic: The Master Class II: AES and Paradise Studios
Moderator Name: Kazhmir McEachern
Speaker Name: Kazhmir McEachern and Leslie Soloranzo
Other business or activities at the meeting: The Master Class II
Meeting Location: Sacramento, CA
The third "Master Session" held by the American River Regional section of the Audio Engineering Society was an interesting exhibit of mastering expertise. Inviting our very own Kurt Shearer of Paradise Studios, AES student members eagerly awaited Shearer's lecture on mixing, mastering, and CD "ID"ing. Our tables and banners promoting the "Master Class" once more dressed the walkway for another 3-hr extravaganza beginning at 5:00 pm.
Employing the use of software Sony CD architect, faculty adviser Eric Chun, Dr. Merlyn Van Reganmorter, and John Talbot we present as Shearer flipped through his well-organized archive of projects to demonstrate EQ'ng and compression in mastering applications. Utilizing the RTAS Plug-in of the Fairchild 670, Kurt wowed AES members, from both the student and profession chapter, with his touch to audio.
Our chapter brought in approximately 50+ people to this event, and are happy to see it a success.
Written By: Davi Larkins