Meeting Topic: Analogue Tape
Speaker Name: Bill Crabtree, Alton Dellinger - MTSU
Meeting Location: Murfreesboro, TN
Despite the increasing rarity of analogue tape in many studio environments, knowledge of the basics of how tape works and how to properly calibrate and use the machine is still important for many aspiring engineers. For this reason, the MTSU AES hosted Professor Bill Crabtree and audio maintenance guru Alton Dellinger in an event designed to provide our members with a firm rooting in the fundamentals and analogue tape. Professor Crabtree opened the event by going through a powerpoint slide show of the many topics important to understanding how analogue tape recording works. Then Alton demonstrated the step-by-step process of calibrating a Studer 827 24-track machine. Routine maintenance and machine operation were also covered in this event that we plan to make an annual occurrence.