Meeting Topic: Audio Happenings in Kansas City
Moderator Name: Donna Miller-Brown
Speaker Name: Chair, AES Kansas City Section
Other business or activities at the meeting: no business
Meeting Location: Harry's Country Club, Kansas City MO
The Sept. 21, 2011, meeting was held at Harry's Country Club in Kansas City, MO. In attendance:
Donna Miller-Brown, section chair
Ian Corbett, section vice chair
Chriss Scherer, section secretary
Bob Beck, section treasurer
Paul Rudy
Gregg Jackson
John Story
Steven Davis
The meeting was an informal gathering, so the usual reports were excluded. Several topics of discussion were presented, including:
The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts held an open house Sept. 18. Discussion followed from Chriss Scherer, who attended the open house as a spectator, and Donna Miller-Brown, who works at the Center. Additional information was presented by Steven Dave.
John Story shared details of the Kansas City Repertory Theater's production of August: Osage County.
Ian Corbett and Chriss Scherer provided discussion of the Kansas City screening of Peter Gabriel and the New Blood Orchestra movie, which was shown in 3D and surround.
Written By: Chriss Scherer, section secretary