Content Creation & Distribution Expo (CCD Expo) Information regarding the event can be found online, at http:/ /
Meeting Topic: Getting There: CCD Expo 2011
Moderator Name: Kazhmir McEachern
Speaker Name: Kazhmir McEachern; Chair. Leslie Solorzano; Vice Chair
Meeting Location: Auburn, Ca, ""US""
ARC AES Meeting (June 17, 2011): Summary of Events
The most recent American River College AES meeting occurred on 6/17/2011 from approximately 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The following topics were discussed:
1) Section officials acknowledged and briefly discussed the expected duties of each executive role.
2) The Budget: AES members created a tentative deadline of three weeks to create a budget to successfully fund AES this year.
a) Section Treasurer Jon Medley, with the assistance of the remaining three executive officials, is expected to deliver AES to this goal.
3) The Goals: AES members discussed various goals to achieve over the next few months. The goals discussed were:
a) Club renewal: Each year, AES must renew its status as an official ARC club. The procedure of this was discussed and plans to put this into action were made during this past meeting.
b) Club membership: The ARC regional division of AES plans to increase its membership dramatically this year. Associating with other clubs around the ARC campus, and the Los Rios District, we will encourage new membership this year by promoting AES via its website, social networking, and flyers. We will utilize AES-assisted events to promote the section as well.
c) Marketing: An 8-week marketing plan will be drafted by the AES executive branch to promote upcoming events planned.
d) The events: To promote the AES American River College Section, officials discussed making our presence in an AES-sponsored "Content Creation & Distribution Expo" (9/16 & 9/17) this year. Works to promote this have begun and will continue via the AES website, social networking, and flyers. With this, we hope to encourage new membership in our section. Information regarding the event can be found online, at
e) Pinnacle College: With the assistance of staff members at Rancho Cordova's Pinnacle College, our section of AES wishes to increase membership and host AES-sponsored events at their campus. An upcoming meeting with staff at Pennacle is scheduled for the upcoming week.
Written By: David Larkins