Meeting Topic: General Business
Moderator Name: Ian Corbett
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Resurrection of regular meetings, 3pm Thursdays.
Student Senate responsibilities - Zach Alvey, David Harzman, Joel Law.
Student Activities responsibilities - Zach Alvey, David Harzman.
Election of new officers: Chair - Joel Law, Vice Chair - Zach Alvey, Secretary - Ryan Elliott, Asst Secretary - Sharon Red, Vice Treasurer - Cory McMiller. Officers required to become AES members.
Field trip ideas - Dr. Corbett will contact KMBC-TV and Yardley Hall.
Venue/studio ideas discussed. Students will contact.
Next meeting March 3rd, 3pm.
Meeting Location: KCKCC, Kansas City, KS.
Written By: Ian Corbett