
AES Section Meeting Reports

Italian - December 15, 2010

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Hosted in a prestigious meeting room within the Conservatory L. Cherubini in Florence, AES members and non-members have gathered for a series of presentations focusing on the radio business, ranging from technical aspects to artistic management and choices.
A total of 35 attendees have shown at the meeting room, of which 20 were not AES members.

Emanuele Baroni from the regional office of RAI, the national broadcasting company, offered a technical overview of radio transmission and practice, highlighting some aspects that may be easily overlooked by the typical audio professional.

Massimo Baldini and Fiore Confuorto have presented a dedicated software development that provides automated playlist management for Rete Toscana Classica, a radio broadcasting station in Florence specialized in classical music, focusing on stability and ease of use; the custom software application has been now running smoothly 24/7 for around 6 years.

Cesar Martignon, from local radio station Controradio, described a typical setup for in-the-field recording and live transmission, either via ISDN, or streaming. A low-cost approach for web radio streaming has been also described.

Emanuele Baroni from RAI raised again to go into details of ISDN-based audio transmission, quite common in radio broadcasting practice.

And finally, Luca Berni from Rete toscana Classica described the management challenges in keeping the radio up and running for 7 years.

The full program is available here:

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