Meeting Topic: A/V Production
Speaker Name: Robert Gordon, Mark Repp
Meeting Location: Murfreesboro TN
In an ongoing effort by the MTSU AES to bring in a diverse field of guest speakers on topics no usually covered in music recording classes, the MTSU section hosted independent television director Robert Gordon and mix engineer Mark Repp of MTV Networks. The two spoke at length about the process and challenges of recording and mixing live audio for television and later editing and post-production. Every aspect of the process from initial concept, to final mixing was covered including interesting and useful information on micing, signal flow, and communication. The focus of the event then turned to a discussion of several excerpts from a 2002 concert shoot featuring music from the of the Chieftains' "Down the Old Plank Road: the Nashville Sessions Project" at the Ryman Auditorium done by Mr. Gordon and Repp. The presentation also included information about the opportunities available to audio engineers in the television industry. Robert Gordon also gave the members valuable advice on succeeding at internships and entry-level jobs. His advice was, "just show up, do what you're asked, and be pleasant about it."