Meeting Topic: First Informational Meeting, Fall Semester
Moderator Name: Colin Pfund
Speaker Name: Colin Pfund, Section Chair; Luke Sherman, Section Vice Chair
Meeting Location: Mali I Auditorium, Dana Hall, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT
On September 16th, 2010, the University of Hartford AES held its first informational meeting of the Fall semester. Upon entry, students enjoyed a slide show of past AES events. New students learned the mission of the Audio Engineering Society and the importance of registration with Our section website, Facebook group, and email address were introduced. Students were encouraged to sign up for rides to the 2010 Boston Area Definitive Audio Student Summit (BADASS) at the New England Institute of Art in Brookline, MA on September 25th. Colin Pfund, Section Chair, explained the educational value and networking opportunities of the event. Plans for the first ever Hartford AES mixing competition were announced, and students were encouraged to attend IEEE functions and our upcoming lecture series. Luke Sherman, Hartford AES Vice Chair and CETA Studio Manager, reviewed the process of booking recording sessions in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture's Dana Hall recording studios. Hartford AES shirts were sold at the conclusion of the meeting.
Written By: Colin Pfund