
AES Section Meeting Reports

Elon University Section - December 7, 2024

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Speaker Name:

Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


The meeting included discussions on a range of topics, including upcoming events, committee reports, and elections. A key focus was on the introduction of new initiatives, such as the "Why AES?" Padlet, as well as updates on the upcoming holiday social event in Raleigh and the AES Connect platform. There was also a review of committee activity and the results of a recent survey. The election of new officers was confirmed, and attendees were reminded of upcoming events, including the AES National Convention in Long Beach, CA.

Other Business or Activities at the Meeting:

Discussion Topics:
Elections and upcoming events were addressed.

Upcoming Events:
Bowling fundraiser in March.
Live Zoom casting of events with online donation opportunities.

Lennon Bus on campus in April (collaboration with AES Carolinas and Benedict College).

Holiday social event in Raleigh on December 19th at 7 PM.
Motion to Approve Other Business:

Motion: Jelani
Seconded: Liz
Motion Passed.
Treasurer's Report:

Current balance: $2,301.68.
Anticipating an additional $300 from GTCC to cover food costs.
Motion to Approve Treasurer's Report:

Motion: Frank Martin
Seconded: Zach Shatley
Motion Passed.
Committee Reports:
Education Committee:

Lennon Bus will be on campus in April.
Administration has agreed to fund the costs, and the event will be linked with AES Carolinas.
Event will also include Benedict College in Columbia, SC.
Major Events Committee:

No updates or new events to report.

Tech Committee:
No new tech developments.
The committee will focus on practical, real-world technology applications moving forward, rather than the latest trends.
Fundraising Committee:

Event Update:
Bowling fundraiser scheduled for March.
Fred Johnson has volunteered to help organize the event.
Plan to host live Zoom streaming of the event with opportunities for online donations.
Social Committee:

Zach Shatley to collaborate with Jeff Carroll in planning upcoming social events.

Responsibilities and planning discussed.
New Business:
"Why AES?" Padlet:

A Padlet (interactive wall) will be shared soon for members to contribute thoughts and responses to the question, "Why AES?"
Introduction of New Committee Chairs:

New committee chairs were introduced and welcomed into their roles.
Committee Service and Survey Results:

Results of the recent survey were reviewed, offering valuable feedback on committee service and areas for improvement.

Holiday Social Event:

A Holiday Social will be held in Raleigh on December 19th at 7 PM. Details will be sent out soon.
AES Connect Platform:

Members were encouraged to start updating their personal profiles on and to become more involved with AES Connect.

For the Good of the Order:
AES National Convention:

The AES National Convention will take place in Long Beach, CA, from October 23-25.

There may also be an informal dinner at NAMM during the convention.
Holiday Wishes:

The chair extended heartfelt Happy Holidays to all members.
Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held on January 29th.

Written By:

More About Elon University Section Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society