
AES Section Meeting Reports

Boston - September 17, 2024

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The AES Boston Committee Planning Meeting focused on upcoming events and initiatives, highlighting the third webinar in the series scheduled for October 3rd, featuring Dan Foley discussing headphone transient response, as well as an ADI event on September 25th. The meeting clarified event details, including start times and fare for attendees, and discussed plans for the AES New York Conference, notably creating a Facebook group for coordination among members. Recaps of past events demonstrated strong turnout and engagement, while future events, such as a Sonos showcase and a collaboration with GBH studios aimed at high school students, were also confirmed. The committee acknowledged Malik's recent appointment to the AES Board of Governors and strategized on leveraging connections for future outreach. Action items were assigned, including promotional efforts for the ADI event and webinar, updates to event schedules, and extending invitations to the Recording Academy for collaborations.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society